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Want only the time portion of a date-time object in R




I have a vector of times in R, all_symbols$Time and I am trying to find out how to get JUST the times (or convert the times to strings without losing information). I use

strptime(all_symbol$Time[j], format="%H:%M:%S")

which for some reason assumes the date is today and returns

[1] "2013-10-18 09:34:16"

Date and time formatting in R is quite annoying. I am trying to get the time only without adding too many packages (really any--I am on a school computer where I cannot install libraries).

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Erroldactyl Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 23:10


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1 Answers

Once you use strptime you will of necessity get a date-time object and the default behavior for no date in the format string is to assume today's date. If you don't like that you will need to prepend a string that is the date of your choice.

@James' suggestion is equivalent to what I was going to suggest:

format(all_symbol$Time[j], format="%H:%M:%S")

The only package I know of that has time classes (i.e time of day with no associated date value) is package:chron. However I find that using format as a way to output character values from POSIXt objects lends itself well to functions that require factor input.

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IRTFM Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11