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What programming practice that you once liked have you since changed your mind about? [closed]

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What are the programming development steps explain with examples?

Program development is the process of creating application programs. Program development life cycle (PDLC) The process containing the five phases of program development: analyzing, designing, coding, debugging and testing, and implementing and maintaining application software.

What is programming language how computer program is related with a programming language?

A programming language is a computer language programmers use to develop software programs, scripts, or other sets of instructions for computers to execute. Although many languages share similarities, each has its own syntax.

//Coming out of university, we were taught to ensure we always had an abundance 
//of commenting around our code. But applying that to the real world, made it 
//clear that over-commenting not only has the potential to confuse/complicate 
//things but can make the code hard to follow. Now I spend more time on 
//improving the simplicity and readability of the code and inserting fewer yet 
//relevant comments, instead of spending that time writing overly-descriptive 
//commentaries all throughout the code.

Single return points.

I once preferred a single return point for each method, because with that I could ensure that any cleanup needed by the routine was not overlooked.

Since then, I've moved to much smaller routines - so the likelihood of overlooking cleanup is reduced and in fact the need for cleanup is reduced - and find that early returns reduce the apparent complexity (the nesting level) of the code. Artifacts of the single return point - keeping "result" variables around, keeping flag variables, conditional clauses for not-already-done situations - make the code appear much more complex than it actually is, make it harder to read and maintain. Early exits, and smaller methods, are the way to go.

  • Trying to code things perfectly on the first try.
  • Trying to create perfect OO model before coding.
  • Designing everything for flexibility and future improvements.

In one word overengineering.

Hungarian notation (both Forms and Systems). I used to prefix everything. strSomeString or txtFoo. Now I use someString and textBoxFoo. It's far more readable and easier for someone new to come along and pick up. As an added bonus, it's trivial to keep it consistant -- camelCase the control and append a useful/descriptive name. Forms Hungarian has the drawback of not always being consistent and Systems Hungarian doesn't really gain you much. Chunking all your variables together isn't really that useful -- especially with modern IDE's.

The "perfect" architecture

I came up with THE architecture a couple of years ago. Pushed myself technically as far as I could so there were 100% loosely coupled layers, extensive use of delegates, and lightweight objects. It was technical heaven.

And it was crap. The technical purity of the architecture just slowed my dev team down aiming for perfection over results and I almost achieved complete failure.

We now have much simpler less technically perfect architecture and our delivery rate has skyrocketed.

The use of caffine. It once kept me awake and in a glorious programming mood, where the code flew from my fingers with feverous fluidity. Now it does nothing, and if I don't have it I get a headache.