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What object type is the instance element parameter pass into the link function of an angular directive?

I am using typescript with angular and trying to create a custom directive. I am attempting to give all my parameters types, but am not sure what type the object that is pass through the $element parameter is. Is it JQuery type? Or some Element type?

In the directive code, I want to use $element with a d3 selector. (i.e. d3.select($element)) Currently the d3 selection statement doesn't work because the $element type is not one that is expected by d3. (I'm using a typescript interface for d3 as well.)

var directiveDefinitionObject : ng.IDirective = {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: false,
        scope: { data: '=chartData' },
        link: ($scope: ICustomScope, $element: <WHAT_TYPE?>) => {
             d3.select($element);  // d3.select(node)
like image 287
Michelle Avatar asked Feb 14 '14 19:02


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1 Answers

$element in the link function of a Directive has the type ng.IAugmentedJQuery. If you include jQuery then you will get the jQuery functions on $element, without jQuery then Angular will provide jqLite. See here for more information.

The link function in ng.IDirective is defined as:

link?: (scope: IScope,
        instanceElement: IAugmentedJQuery,
        instanceAttributes: IAttributes,
        controller: any,
        transclude: ITranscludeFunction
       ) => void;
like image 78
Scott Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 05:10
