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What makes a web application a touch pad friendly application?

Designing a web application with ASP.NET MVC I asked myself how can I also please those people using a smart phone, ipad, etc.. (everything thats touchable...) and not only a desktop/notebook with a browser.

How can I develop a better user experience.

I would be pleased to hear about technical advises concerning the asp.net mvc framework so I can later implement your suggestions concretely.

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Elisabeth Avatar asked Dec 30 '11 16:12


People also ask

What is touch action in CSS?

The touch-action CSS property sets how an element's region can be manipulated by a touchscreen user (for example, by zooming features built into the browser).

What is touching in design?

Design for touch is a lot different from designing just for the digital interfaces. Touch literally puts pieces of information on the fingertip to manipulate it. Here are few guidelines to design for Touch. These guidelines are universal and for the cross-platform touch devices whether it's mobile, tablet or laptop.

Can I use touch event?

Touch events are supported by Chrome and Firefox on desktop, and by Safari on iOS and Chrome and the Android browser on Android, as well as other mobile browsers like the Blackberry browser.

How do I test touch events on my desktop?

Activate the Developer Tools with CMD+ALT+i (OSX) or F12 (Windows). Click the cog icon to open up it's settings. Then switch to the Overrides tab. Make sure Enable is checked and then activate Emulate touch events.

2 Answers

There are a few levels of friendlyness. You can start with the basic "does this site render well enough to be usable in a mobile browser?" This really should not be a problem for anything new that is using modern web standards but older sites could have problems. Corallary to this is "is my site a bandwidth hog that takes forever to render over 3g because each page is 14mb of animated GIFs and spaghetti HTML?" Or "does my site make mobile devices melt due to aggresive scripts?" Luckily this set is pretty easy to deal with -- modern websites tend to handle this pretty well by default.

The second level is "does this site do anything maddening from a touch perspective." The big thing that can clip you here is hover based menus -- there is no hover on a touch UI. The other common issue is using small links or buttons that one can't hit at least without zooming in to crazy levels. The solution here is testing -- some issues are obvious to all but you won't see some things until you are interacting without a mouse.

The final level is using a touch UI for fun and profit. If you make it this far, you are doing better than many web publishers in this day and age. What is involved here is using touch-friendly UI tools, such as jquery mobile, to handle swipe events and other touch features to make things work more like one expects with a touch UI. An easy example would be making an image carousel swipe-able rather than having to wait for the buttons.

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Wyatt Barnett Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 20:11

Wyatt Barnett

Make the interface chunky - big icons are easy to click, text is very difficult to touch accurately. Set a minimum size for every element, at the very least as big as the individual keys on an iPhone/android's virtual keyboard and preferably much larger.

Ensure that the most relevant options are near the top, and after that the aim is simply to make it intuitive. Fewer menus are generally better.

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Jon Story Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 20:11

Jon Story