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What languages are used in Stack Overflow's 404 polygot? [closed]

Currently, when a user here gets a 404, they see the following image:


Which represents the text:

# define v putchar
#   define print(x) main(){v(4+v(v(52)-4));return 0;}/*
#>+++++++4+[>++++++<-]> ++++.----.++++.*/

This looks suspiciously polyglottish. Which languages does this do something interesting in?

Side thought: Is it just me, or did I find a bug in Prettify?

like image 754
SamB Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 00:12


People also ask

What programming language is stack overflow written in?

Technology. Stack Overflow is written in C# using the ASP.NET MVC (Model–View–Controller) framework, and Microsoft SQL Server for the database and the Dapper object-relational mapper used for data access.

Is stack overflow only in English?

We require English on Stack Overflow. A code snippet containing non-English variables that can easily be followed does not require flagging or editing.

1 Answers

It is C and brainf**k. They both print 404.

like image 172
Iain Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 22:12
