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Most dynamic dynamic programming language [closed]

It seems I've got to agree with this post when it states that

[...] code in dynamically typed languages follows static-typing conventions

Much dynamic language code I encounter does indeed seem to be quite static (thinking of PHP) whereas dynamic approaches look somewhat clumsy or unnecessary instead.

Most of the time, it's just about omitting type signatures, which, in the context of type-inference/structural typing, doesn't even have to imply dynamic typing at all.

So my question (and it's not meant to be too subjective) is, in which dynamic languages or fields of application are all these more advanced dynamic language features (that couln't be replicated in static/compiled languages that easily) actually and idomatically used.


  • Reflection
  • First-class continuations
  • Runtime object alteration/generation
  • Metaprogramming
  • Run-time code evaluation
  • Non-existent member behaviour

What are useful applications for such techniques?

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Dario Avatar asked Jan 27 '10 14:01


2 Answers

Some examples of widespread application of the above techniques are:

  • Continuations make their appearance in web frameworks like Rails or Seaside. They can be used to allow an API to fake a local context. In Seaside or Rails this makes the API behave much more like a local GUI form handler than an HTTP request handler, which serves to simplify the task of coding the application's user interface elements. However, although many dynamic languages have strong support for continuations they are certainly not unique to this type of language.

  • Reflection is quite widely used for O/R mappers and serialisation, but many statically typed langages support reflection as well. On duck typed languages it can be used to find out at runtime if a facility is implemented by looking at the object's metadata. Some O/R mappers (and similar tools) work by implementing accesses to instance variables and redirecting the updates to a cached record in the data access layer. This helps to make the persistence relatively transparent to the developer as the field accesses look much like local variables.

  • Runtime object alteration is slightly useful (think monkey-patching) but mostly a gimmick. There aren't many really killer uses for it that come to mind immediately, but people certainly do use it. One possible use for it is fixing slightly broken behaviour when subclassing is not an option for some reason.

  • Metaprogramming is quite a fuzzy definition for a term, but arguably generics and C++ templates are an example of metaprogramming - taking place on statically typed languages. On languages with metaclass support, custom metaclasses can be used to implement particular behaviours such as singletons or object registries.

    Another metaprogramming example is Smalltalk's #notImplemented: method which is called on attempts to invoke nonexistent methods. The method name and parameters are supplied to the implementor of #notImplemented:, and can subsequently be used to construct a method invocation reflectively. Trapping this can be used (for example) to implement generic proxy mechanisms.

LISP programmers would argue that LISP is the most dynamic language of all due to its first class support for diddling directly with the parse trees of the code (known as 'macros'). This facility makes implementing DSLs trivial in LISP - and integrating them transparently into your code base.

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ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10


All features you enumerate are also available in statically typed languages some with constraints.

  • Reflection: Present in Java, C# (not type safe).
  • First-class continuations: restricted support in Scala (maybe others)
  • Runtime object alteration: Changing the type of an object is supported in a restriced form in C# with extension methods (will be in Java 7) and implicit type conversions in Scala. Although open class is not supported most of the use cases are covered by type conversions.
  • Metaprogramming: I would say Metaprogramming is the heading for a lot of related features like reflection, type changes at runtime, AOP etc.

So there is not a lot left that is supported only by dynamic languages to discuss. Support for example for Reflection circumvents the type system but it is useful in certain situations where this kind of flexibility is needed. The same is true in dynamic languages.

The open class feature supported by Ruby is something that compiled languages will never support. It is the most flexible form of Metaprogramming possible (with all the implications: security, performance, maintainability.) You can change classes of the platform. It's used by Ruby on Rails to create methods of domain objects from metadata on the fly. In a statically typed language you have at least to create (or generate the code of) the interface of your domain object.

If you're looking for the "most dymanic languages" all homoiconic languages like LISP and Prolog are good candidates. Interestingly, C# is somewhat homoiconic with the expression trees in LINQ.

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Thomas Jung Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10

Thomas Jung