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What kinds of optimization LLVM does and what kinds of optimizations its frontends have to implement themselves?

Notice: I noticed this question is a lot related to this one, so if you're somebody interested in my question, you should definitely read that other one and its answers too.

I can think of some optimizations an OOP language frontend could do, such as creating temporary variables to hold values from const method calls called in sequence, without intermediary non-const calls to the object in question, to cut off function calls, but I can't think of many more. I'd like to ask people to create a longer list of examples.

I ask this because I want to create a small language as a pet project and I'm not sure how to study this subject very well. Maybe this is a case for the community wiki? A comprehensive list of optimizations the LLVM backend does and that frontends should do themselves, what do you think?

Oh, and I know different frontends can have widely different needs, but my focus is on procedural/OOP languages.

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Gui Prá Avatar asked Sep 05 '11 17:09

Gui Prá

People also ask

What is LLVM optimization?

DESCRIPTION. The opt command is the modular LLVM optimizer and analyzer. It takes LLVM source files as input, runs the specified optimizations or analyses on it, and then outputs the optimized file.

Does LLVM optimize?

LLVM currently does not optimize well loads and stores of large aggregate types (i.e. structs and arrays). As an alternative, consider loading individual fields from memory. Aggregates that are smaller than the largest (performant) load or store instruction supported by the targeted hardware are well supported.

What is the advantage of LLVM?

The main advantage of LLVM is that it is a really good representation to perform optimizations on. LLVM IR is in SSA form (static single-assignment) THE most popular IR for compiler research of late. Pretty much a lingua franca; optimization techniques old and new have been adapted to work with SSA.

What is LLVM in programming?

LLVM is an acronym that stands for low level virtual machine. It also refers to a compiling technology called the LLVM project, which is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.

1 Answers

This probably varies a lot by language... clang (C/C++) is able to get away with doing very little in terms of optimizations in the frontend. The only optimization I can think of that is done for performance of the generated code is that clang does some devirtualization of C++ methods in the frontend. clang does some other optimizations like constant folding and dead code elimination, but that's primarily done to speed up compile-time, not for the performance of the generated code.

EDIT: Actually, thinking about it a bit more, I just remembered one more important optimization clang does for C++: clang knows a few tricks to elide copy constructors in C++ (google for NRVO).

In some cases, a language-specific IR optimization pass can be useful. There is a a SimplifyLibCalls pass which knows how to optimize calls into the C standard library. For the new Objective-C ARC language feature, clang puts some ARC-specific passes into the pipeline; those optimize out calls to various Objective-C runtime functions.

In general, implementing optimizations in the frontend is only generally helpful when code has properties which cannot be encoded into the IR (e.g. C++ objects have a constant vtable pointer). And in practice, you most likely want to implement dumb code generation first, and see whether there are important cases which are not optimized. The optimizers can do some surprisingly complex transformations.

See also http://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/LangImpl7.html ; using alloca appropriately is one thing which helps the optimizers substantially, although it isn't really an optimization itself.

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servn Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10
