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What is your experience with Android webapps (limitations, tips, best practices)?



As François mentioned, there are alternatives such as Phone Gap for a more cross-platform approach. It's a very good suggestion indeed. I'm open to any suggestions and I would really appreciate if I can learn from your experience.
Sidenote: A web-only app is not high on my list of options, since I do want it to be on the android market.

I'm about to start porting a facebook app to android and I'm debating whether I should write it as a native app or as a wrapper for a glorified WebView.

How is your experience? What limitations did you face when writing a webapp? Do you have any advice you may want to share? Maybe you think that a native app is the way to go instead?

To set up a famework for the discussion, the app I want to port right now is a simple fb app, in which the server is hosted in Google App Engine (written in Java, if that matters), and all the client code is html, css and javascript (with a good amount of jQuery).

The app is basically a two player, turn-based game, with a bunch of static images that respond to user clicks, and a very simple chat box (independent of fb chat). It can handle several concurrent games for each user (but to different opponents, not the same).

Do you think is a good fit for an Android webapp?

Thank you in advance.

PS1: By all means, I will appreciate any insight, so please do not limit yourself to this specific example app should you want to be broader in your answer.

PS2: Yes, I read the "Best Practices for Web Apps" page from developer.android.com, and I followed the links there, but it does not say much about speed or reliability of the WebView component, specially in terms of user interaction. The question comes after reading the following paragraphs in the WebView description page, which kind of limits the typical scenarios quite a bit:

A common scenario in which using WebView is helpful is when you want to provide information in your application that you might need to update, such as an end-user agreement or a user guide. Within your Android application, you can create an Activity that contains a WebView, then use that to display your document that's hosted online.

Another scenario in which WebView can help is if your application provides data to the user that always requires an Internet connection to retrieve data, such as email. In this case, you might find that it's easier to build a WebView in your Android application that shows a web page with all the user data, rather than performing a network request, then parsing the data and rendering it in an Android layout. Instead, you can design a web page that's tailored for Android devices and then implement a WebView in your Android application that loads the web page.

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Aleadam Avatar asked Apr 14 '11 13:04


People also ask

Is it better to use apps or browser?

A well-designed mobile app can perform actions much quicker than a mobile website. Apps usually store their data locally on mobile devices, unlike websites that generally use web servers. For this reason, data retrieval happens swiftly in mobile apps.

1 Answers

I have implemented two projects that use webview, one is with jqtouch and other with jquery-mobile frameworks.

You are starting like a breeze and go on, but at last when you look at the application it is very far from native user experience. Android browser is much more slower than iphone browser. Hope it will be resolved later, as a result you will have slower response times when you are dealing with css3 heavy applications. While developing in emulator, webview will make you mad as it is sooo slow.

If you want to implement native like elements or fixed tabbar you are working a lot and at last not getting a good solution when you compare your application with native applications, it just sucks.

At last I have decided to learn native development and being a first class citizen. Of course this will take much more time but the result will satisfy me.

I think native development is not the future, sometime later we will write html-css-js applications again and they will work like native code, but it is not likely to be in 2-3 years according to my opinion.

I can suggest you that, try building web apps, if performance does not satisfies you like me, then switch to native development.

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Yekmer Simsek Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Yekmer Simsek