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Ruby practical for Android Development? [closed]


I am trying to break into a bit of development and have been advised Ruby is quite an easy / powerful language to get started on.

My main hope for learning a programming language was to break into mobile development. I have heard Ruby can be used for Android development with the right 'kit' but is this a practical language to use for this or will it end up being a more long winded approach than just learning Java from the get go?

like image 948
AndyNico Avatar asked May 13 '11 15:05


People also ask

Can you build an Android app with Ruby?

Thanks to RubyMotion, your Ruby developers can write iOS and Android apps, today. Ruby makes programmers happy and productive, and by sharing the same language across platforms you get to reuse code, save time, and ship faster.

Is Ruby good for app development?

Ruby developers love it because it's very easy to use and understand, thanks to its simple syntax that it's as close as English as a programming language can get. This makes it easier to create applications with Ruby, which is why it's also especially useful to quickly develop prototypes and proof of concepts.

Which programming language is not used for android development?

Obstacles to development include the fact that Android does not use established Java standards, that is, Java SE and ME. This prevents compatibility between Java applications written for those platforms and those written for the Android platform.

Is Ruby good for mobile apps?

Ruby on Rails gives a competitive edge for mobile solutions for Android and iOS. In RoR, Ruby is the language of coding or the programming language and Rails is a framework that provides default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages and used for creating the web or mobile application.

1 Answers

I recently read about Ruboto. You should check it out too!

like image 66
Igbanam Avatar answered Feb 02 '23 13:02
