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What is threshold limit number of threads that a JVM can create


As what @Petesh said, I reached the kern.num_taskthreads limit rather than the overall thread limit, which limits the number of threads for an individual process.

The sysctl kern.num_taskthreads is:

kern.num_taskthreads: 2048

And when I used the VM args, -XX:ThreadStackSize=1g, I could only create 122 threads; with -XX:ThreadStackSize=2g, 58 threads was created. It's reasonable.

But it's still strange that no matter how I changed the -Xss args, the result is always 2031. The -Xss args seems only works for main thread which I'm not sure for now.

Original question:

I ran a test to find out how many threads that one JVM can create. And when I adjusted the JVM args, -Xmx and -Xss, the result didn't change.

Here is the code:

public class ThreadTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int count = 0;
        try {
            while (true) {
                Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        } catch (Error e) {

And the OS info:

  • Model Name: MacBook Pro
  • Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,4
  • Processor Name: Intel Core i7
  • Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
  • Number of Processors: 1
  • Total Number of Cores: 4
  • L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
  • L3 Cache: 6 MB
  • Memory: 16 GB

The java version:

➤ java -version                                                                                                                                                          
java version "1.8.0_60"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27)
Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.71-b01-dcevmlight-1, mixed mode)

The result: enter image description here

The ulimit -a: enter image description here

The sysctl kern.num_threads:

kern.num_threads: 10240
like image 354
zhumengzhu Avatar asked May 24 '16 03:05


People also ask

What is threshold limit in Java?

3. Number of threads that can be created in Java in 32 bits machines.

Is there a limit to how many threads you can make?

The kernel parameter threads-max controls the maximum number of threads. This parameter is defined in the file /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max. Here, the output 63704 indicates that the kernel can execute a maximum of 63,704 threads.

Can we create 1000 threads in Java?

You can create as many instances as you want, Java will allow that, but you should be aware of your resources. Generally, you shouldn't create too many Thread instances in Java because both JVM and the Operating system have a limit on how many threads you can create in Java.

What is JVM thread count?

JVM Threads In this case, the JVM uses 34 active threads on average. A higher number of threads means an increase in processor utilization caused by the application. This is mainly due to the processing power required by each thread.

1 Answers

All this stuff is OS specific - in the case of OSX, you've got a per-process thread limit that can't be exceeded from the sysctl kern.num_taskthreads. The limit in number of threads that you created and the overhead of VM created threads seems to indicate that you're reaching that limit.

The difference between -XX:ThreadStackSize and -Xss<size> is a bit odd. In this case I'm basing my analysis on the OSX oracle java vm (you're indicating that you're running with a different VM).

-Xss sets the stack size to that number of bytes. The variable storing it divides it by 1024. However because of the way it calculates it the value ends up as a meaningless value (64bit jvm, checked on linux and osx) - this is some vonderfully bad overflow math:

for i in {1..8}; do echo "${i}G:"; java -Xss${i}g -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version 2>&1 | grep ' ThreadStack'; done
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 1048576                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 18014398507384832                    {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 18014398508433408                    {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 0                                   {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 1048576                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 18014398507384832                    {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 18014398508433408                    {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 0                                   {pd product}

When we compare this with -XX:ThreadStackSize we have a different picture:

Firstly, these values are scaled by a factor of 1024 - i.e. all values requested are actually a number of KB for the stack size.

This means that -XX:ThreadstackSize needs to be specified in a factor of 1024 down from the values from -Xss. The fact that you were only able to create a fraction of the number of threads, and the virtual memory size of the process makes this obvious (taken from the vmmap output of the process):

Stack                  0000000800004000-0000040800000000 [  4.0T] rw-/rwx SM=NUL  thread 23
Stack                  0000040800000000-0000040800003000 [   12K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  thread 23

4TB per stack? That's going to hurt (this is what you'd previously asked for):

Once we adjust it down by a factor of 1024, we get the same number of threads in the second run - you can see these numbers far more clearly in the output and they linearly scale with the requested size:

for i in {1..8}; do echo "${i}G:"; java -XX:ThreadStackSize=${i}m -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version 2>&1 | grep ' ThreadStack'; done
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 1048576                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 2097152                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 3145728                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 4194304                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 5242880                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 6291456                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 7340032                             {pd product}
     intx ThreadStackSize                          := 8388608                             {pd product}

So, it looks like using -Xss<size> is really only useful when you're looking for a stacksize of < 1GB; and if you're looking for a stacksize of > 1GB then you can specify it explicitly with -XX:ThreadStackSize.

Figuring out the overflow. The code that parses the Xss option:

julong long_ThreadStackSize = 0;
ArgsRange errcode = parse_memory_size(tail, &long_ThreadStackSize, 1000);

Then in an act of stellar muppetry it does:

FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(intx, ThreadStackSize,
                          round_to((int)long_ThreadStackSize, K) / K);

i.e. downcasts the long to an int, which it then passes to round_to. This takes a Register value, which is a 64bit value on the 64bit VM. So from what I can tell is that it the value you start with is:


Gets sign extended to:


This gets divided by 1024 (0x400):-

0x3FFFFFFFE00000 == 18,014,398,507,384,832

so you can see where the 2GB value in the prior script comes from.

I've logged a bug. The change needed in the source is rather than (int)long_ThreadStackSize it should be (Register)long_ThreadStackSize to keep the calculation correct.

like image 144
Petesh Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
