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what is this "it <= ' '" in trim string function mean here

I have this Java code to trim a string

String title = titleEt.getText().toString().trim(); 

When I convert to kotlin, I expect this should be the kotlin code to trim the leading and trailing spaces.

val title = titleEt.text.toString().trim() 

However, the IDE generates this code

val title = titleEt.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' } 

What is this { it <= ' ' } here? Is it any char less and than ' '?

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lannyf Avatar asked Aug 12 '17 16:08


People also ask

What trim () in string does?

Trim() Removes all leading and trailing white-space characters from the current string.

How do you trim the value of a string?

The trim() method in Java String is a built-in function that eliminates leading and trailing spaces. The Unicode value of space character is '\u0020'. The trim() method in java checks this Unicode value before and after the string, if it exists then removes the spaces and returns the omitted string.

What is trim () in C #?

The Trim() method in C# is used to return a new string in which all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of specified characters from the current string are removed.

2 Answers

trim function in kotlin allows a predicate so trim in java code (removes the white spaces) is the same as .trim { it <= ' ' } You can use .trim() in kotlin too

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Fredy Mederos Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Fredy Mederos

Java's String#trim() removes all codepoints between '\u0000' (NUL) and '\u0020' (SPACE) from the start and end of the string.

Kotlin's CharSequence.trim() removes only leading and trailing whitespace by default (characters matching Char.isWhitespace, which is Character#isWhitespace(char)). For the same behavior as Java, the IDE generated a predicate that matches the same characters that Java would have trimmed.

These characters include ASCII whitespace, but also include control characters.

'\u0000' ␀ ('\0') '\u0001' ␁ '\u0002' ␂ '\u0003' ␃ '\u0004' ␄ '\u0005' ␅ '\u0006' ␆ '\u0007' ␇ ('\a') '\u0008' ␈ ('\b') '\u0009' ␉ ('\t') '\u000A' ␊ ('\n') '\u000B' ␋ ('\v') '\u000C' ␌ ('\f') '\u000D' ␍ ('\r') '\u000E' ␎ '\u000F' ␏ '\u0010' ␐ '\u0011' ␑ '\u0012' ␒ '\u0013' ␓ '\u0014' ␔ '\u0015' ␕ '\u0016' ␖ '\u0017' ␗ '\u0018' ␘ '\u0019' ␙ '\u001A' ␚ '\u001B' ␛ '\u001C' ␜ '\u001D' ␝ '\u001E' ␞ '\u001F' ␟ '\u0020' ␠ (' ') 
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ephemient Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
