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How to get a resource value in build.gradle?

The resValue method (or whatever it's called) allows you to set a resource value in buildTypes or productFlavors. Is there a corresponding way to get a resource value that was set by resValue?

It appears that productFlavors is evaluated before buildTypes, so a resValue set in buildTypes takes precedence. I want to append "Debug" to the app name in debug builds, but I need to get the value that was set in the product flavor in order to append to it.

Edit: I tried Marcin Koziński's suggestion to use a variable, but all product flavors are evaluated before any build type. Therefore, this does not work:

android {
    String appName = ""

    productFlavors {
        Foo {
            appName = "Foo"

        Bar {
            appName = "Bar"

    buildTypes {
        release {
            resValue "string", "app_name", appName 

        debug {
            resValue "string", "app_name", appName + " Debug"

In buildTypes, appName always has the value from the last product flavor. So in this example, all builds receive the name "Bar" or "Bar Debug".

Basically, I need a resValueSuffix analogous to applicationIdSuffix. Apparently no such animal exists. Does the com.android.application plugin expose anything that I could use to achieve this?

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Kevin Krumwiede Avatar asked May 26 '16 20:05

Kevin Krumwiede

3 Answers

If you are only trying to set the App Label (or other manifest values) you can solve this with manifest placeholders.

android {      productFlavors {         Foo {              applicationId "com.myexample.foo"              manifestPlaceholders.appName = "Foo"         }          Bar {              applicationId "com.myexample.bar"              manifestPlaceholders.appName = "Bar"         }     }      buildTypes {         release {             manifestPlaceholders.appNameSuffix =""         }          debug {             manifestPlaceholders.appNameSuffix =".Debug"             applicationIdSuffix ".debug"         }     } } 

Then in your Android Manifest you simply use both placeholders for your app name (or other values)

 <application         android:label="${appName}${appNameSuffix}"         ...  </application> 

This allow you to install all 4 variants side by side on a single device as well as give them different names in the app drawer / launcher.

EDIT 11/22/2019

Updated how placeholders values are set based on feedback from @javaxian

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cyroxis Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09


You can check the build variants like this

Define values in gradle

buildTypes {
        buildConfigField "String", "Your_string_key", '"yourkeyvalue"'
        buildConfigField "String", "SOCKET_URL", '"some text"'
        buildConfigField "Boolean", "LOG", 'true'
    release {
        buildConfigField "String", "Your_string_key", '"release text"'
        buildConfigField "String", "SOCKET_URL", '"release text"'
        buildConfigField "Boolean", "LOG", 'false'


And to access those values using build variants:

      // do something with the boolean value


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Ivan Milisavljevic Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Ivan Milisavljevic

To have an alternative version of a resource in debug builds you can use the debug source set.

strings.xml can be found under following path src/main/res/values, which means it's in the main source set. If you create a new directory src/debug/res/values you can put a new strings.xml file in there with values that should be overridden in debug builds. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="app_name">My Application Debug</string>

This will replace whatever value app_name has in your main file. You don't have to duplicate all the strings in here - ones you don't include here are simply taken from the main file.

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Marcin Koziński Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Marcin Koziński