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What is the use case for @Binds vs @Provides annotation in Dagger2

I am not certain on the purpose for Dagger2's @Bind annotation.

From what i have read online im still not clear but here is an example:

public abstract class HomeModule {

  public abstract HomePresenter bindHomePresenter(HomePresenterImp   

and the class definitions look like this:

public interface HomePresenter {
    Observable<List<User>> loadUsers();

public class HomePresenterImp implements HomePresenter {

    public HomePresenterImp(){

    public Observable<List<User>> loadUsers(){
        //Return user list observable

why would i need to use @Binds if i can just use provides annotation as follows:

public HomePresenter provideHomePresenter() {
    return new HomePresenterImp();

what is the usecase for @Binds instead of @Provides ? if i use @Binds do i still need to declare it in my appcomponent (its an abstract class when i use @Binds)?

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j2emanue Avatar asked Oct 01 '18 08:10


People also ask

What is the difference between @provides and @binds statement?

Because @Binds methods are just a method declaration, they are expressed as abstract methods — no implementation is ever created and nothing is ever invoked. On the other hand, a @Provides method does have an implementation and will be invoked.

What is inject annotation in dagger?

With the @Inject annotation on the constructor, we instruct Dagger that an object of this class can be injected into other objects. Dagger automatically calls this constructor, if an instance of this class is requested.

What is ContributesAndroidInjector?

Annotation Type ContributesAndroidInjectorThe injector is implemented with a Subcomponent and will be a child of the Module 's component. This annotation must be applied to an abstract method in a Module that returns a concrete Android framework type (e.g. FooActivity , BarFragment , MyService , etc).

What is dagger module?

Modules are a way of telling Dagger how to provide dependencies from the dependency graph. These are typically high level dependencies that you aren't already contributing to the dependency graph through the @Inject constructor annotation we discussed in our previous article.

3 Answers

@Binds can be perfectly equivalent to a @Provides-annotated method like this:

public HomePresenter provideHomePresenter() {
    return new HomePresenterImp();

...though you'd probably prefer a variant that takes HomePresenterImp as a method parameter, which lets Dagger instantiate HomePresenterImp (assuming it has an @Inject constructor) including passing any dependencies it needs. You can also make this static, so Dagger doesn't need to instantiate your Module instance to call it.

public static HomePresenter provideHomePresenter(HomePresenterImp presenter) {
    return presenter;

So why would you choose @Binds instead? Dagger has a FAQ about it, but it boils down do these reasons:

  • @Binds is (slightly) more compact: You can skip the implementation.
  • @Binds works in interfaces and abstract classes, which are strictly required for Dagger features like @BindsOptionalOf and @ContributesAndroidInjector.
  • @Binds helps your code stay efficient. @Provides methods can be instance methods, which require Dagger to instantiate your Module in order to call them. Making your @Provides method static will also accomplish this, but your @Provides method will still compile if you forget the static. @Binds methods will not.
  • @Binds prevents Dagger from having to codegen and keep a separate Factory/Provider for the object, since Java doesn't give Dagger access to know that the implementation is as simple as it is. In your case, Dagger can cast the Provider<HomePresenterImp> to a Provider<HomePresenter> and only keep one, rather than keeping one for HomePresenter that does nothing but call the one for HomePresenterImp.

Thus, the entire thing would be well-represented as:

@Binds abstract HomePresenter bindHomePresenter(HomePresenterImp presenter);
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Jeff Bowman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10

Jeff Bowman

Here a concrete case where you need Bind annotation, imagine you got a BaseActivityModule which is include in all your activity modules that provides your activity viewmodel.

object BaseActivityModule {
    fun provideViewModelProvider(
        activity: AppCompatActivity,
        viewModelFactory: ViewModelProvider.Factory
    ): ViewModelProvider = ViewModelProviders.of(activity, viewModelFactory)

Here you see we need to provide an AppCompatActivity and a ViewModelProvider.Factory. You cannot provide AppCompatActivity with a Provide annotation since activities are created by android.

We're assuming your concrete ActivityModule for example MainActivityModule will provide MainActivity class either because you create a MainActivity sub component or you used ContributesAndroidInjector to automatically create your sub components (but this is another talk).

So we have our MainActivityModule providing MainActivity and our MainActivityModule includes our BaseActivityModule which need an AppCompatActivity. So here the Bind magic, let's tell Dagger that when you need an AppCompatActivity you can use our MainActivity.

@Module(includes = [BaseActivityModule::class])
abstract class MainActivityModule {
    abstract fun bindActivity(activity: MainActivity): AppCompatActivity

You can see more from my project template here

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Samuel Eminet Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Samuel Eminet

Thanks to this source: https://www.valueof.io/blog/inject-provides-binds-dependencies-dagger-hilt


  • single param
  • less code

However, the advantage of using @Binds is that it reduces the amount of code generated (such as Module Factory classeenter image description heres). Less code to generate means the Kapt plugin has less work to do which can speed up build times in larger projects.

@Binds is a very specialized annotation though—it’s used to map an interface to an implementation. It can take only a single parameter and the type return is the interface implemented by the given parameter object.

If the implementation you are binding to takes constructor parameters, you can use a combination of @Inject and @Binds as shown in the example below:

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user12927542 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10
