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Warning: Different store and key passwords not supported for PKCS12 KeyStores. Ignoring user-specified -keypass value. in Android Studio

I am trying to create a new Keystore to generate a signed apk but I am getting an error like this, please help me to get rid of this error.

enter image description here

enter image description here

like image 917
creativecoder Avatar asked Mar 14 '21 06:03


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Signature of a keystore Note that if you are using Play App Signing, your upload key may differ from the key used by Google Play to sign your app. In this case, you can find the app signature from the Google Play Console on the Release > Setup > App Integrity page.

What is Keystore path in Android Studio?

The default location is /Users/<username>/. android/debug. keystore.

1 Answers

This is a known issue with Android Studio 4.2. It runs on JDK11 which has this limitation.

Google's own documentation on app signing states that the key password "should be different from the password you chose for your keystore" so I'm guessing they intend to fix this at some point.

like image 72
amram99 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
