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What is the UITableView separator color in iOS 7?

What is the color that Apple uses for the separators in a grouped UITableView?

Is there a constant or some way I can access this programmatically?

enter image description here

like image 989
Senseful Avatar asked Jul 10 '14 20:07


1 Answers

The inspector tool in the Apple's color picker, reports the color as follows:

  • Hex: #c8c7cc
  • RGB (255): 200, 199, 204
  • RGB (1.0): 0.783922, 0.780392, 0.8

You can access this value programmatically by accessing the table view's separatorColor property.

UIColor *separatorColor = self.tableView.separatorColor;
// [separatorColor description] = UIDeviceRGBColorSpace 0.783922 0.780392 0.8 1
like image 126
Senseful Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
