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What is the (single) best online source for learning OpenOffice.org scripting API [closed]

I am using OpenOffice.org for most of my not so very frequent Office Suite needs and most of the time it is more than adequate replacement for it's commercial alternative.

Where it falls short though is the scripting API. I am yet to find the documentation that would make sense of the API in a way that would let me concentrate on my task at hand instead of wandering how to select a piece of text in an opened document.

So - is there a good documentation for getting programmers like me, who do not exactly live and breathe the UNO object model, quickly started and explain in few pages or less, how to find stuff that I need in the OO.o API

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Roland Tepp Avatar asked Nov 04 '08 09:11

Roland Tepp

2 Answers

If you're specifically talking about working with text documents, that section of the OO.org Dev Guide really is the way to go:


Note that the document navigation is on the right side, and kind of small. There's similar entry points for Spreadsheets:


And for drawing documents:


I think this is the kind of general "cheatsheet" reference you're looking for and I don't think there's any better source for it.

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danieltalsky Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11


I would start with the OpenOffice.org Developer's Guide

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Galwegian Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
