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How to know when a Retrofit call is finished

Is there a way of know when my Retrofit call has finished it's duty? I like know when all the data is received so the code can move on, like starting another activity or use data from the first call to make a second?

Ps.: I'm using an asynchronous request (.enqueue).


//Get a contact List from the server    
    Call<List<ModelContact>> callM =  contactInterface.createRContact(listContact);
    callM.enqueue(new Callback<List<ModelContact>>() {

    public void onResponse(Response<List<ModelContact>> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
        // Fetch the List from Response and save it on the local database

        public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
            Log.i("TAG", "Error: " + t.getMessage());

    //Gets a object containing some configurations
    Call<Configs> callC = contactInterface.getConfigs(Configs);
    callC.enqueue(new Callback<Configs>() {

    public void onResponse(Response<Configs> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
        // Fetch the Configs object and save it on the database

        public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
            Log.i("TAG", "Error: " + t.getMessage());

    //Here I need to start a new activity after the calls
    Intent loginact = new Intent(TokenActivity.this, LoginActivity.class);

like image 257
Rafael Avatar asked Jan 12 '16 19:01


1 Answers

Perhaps you can use two boolean flags and start the new intent outside of your getContact method.

Something like this:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    //lot of code omitted 
    private boolean cIsFinished;
    private boolean mIsFinished;

    private void getContact(){
      //create M and C 
        //do whatever you want with data and call startIntent
        //do whatever you want with data and call startIntent

    private synchronized void startIntent(){
       if(cIsFinished && mIsFinished){
          Intent intent = new blah blah blah

like image 194
willermo Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10
