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What is the return value of update_all() in ActiveRecord / Ruby on Rails?

The Ruby on Rails and ActiveRecord documentation, Google, and StackOverflow are conspiratorially silent on the return value of update_all()

What does update_all() return?

  • Number of records?
  • Success status?
  • ID's of updated records?
like image 774
David Hempy Avatar asked Sep 05 '18 15:09

David Hempy

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2 Answers

ActiveRecord's update_all() returns the number of records updated.

describe '.update_all' do
  let!(:user1) { create :user, last_name: 'Smitty' }
  let!(:user2) { create :user, last_name: 'Smitty' }
  let!(:user3) { create :user, last_name: 'Doe' }

  it 'returns number of records updated' do
    expect(User.where(last_name: 'Smitty')
               .update_all(last_name: 'Smith')).to eq 2


    returns number of records updated

Finished in 0.1245 seconds (files took 13.17 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures
like image 153
David Hempy Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10

David Hempy

The documentation has been updated:

Returns the number of rows affected.


like image 22
Patrick Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10
