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What is the restful way to represent a resource clone operation in the URL?



I have REST API that exposes a complex large resource and I want to be able to clone this resource. Assume that the resource is exposed at /resources/{resoureId}

To clone resource 10 I could do something like.

  • GET /resources/10
  • POST /resources/ body of put containing a duplicate of the representation by GET /resources/10 without the id so that the POST creates a new resource.

The problem with this approach is that the resource is very large and complex it really makes no sense to return a full representation to the client and then have the client send it back as that would be just a total waste of bandwidth, and cpu on the server. Cloning the resource on the server is so much easier so I want to do that.

I could do something like POST /resources/10/clone or POST resources/clone/10 but both of these approaches feel wrong because the verb in the URL.

What is the most "restful/nouny" way to build url that can be used in this type of situation?

like image 746
ams Avatar asked Sep 12 '13 04:09


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1 Answers

Since there is no copy or clone method in HTTP, it's really up to you what you want to do. In this case a POST seems perfectly reasonable, but other standards have taken different approaches:

  • WebDAV added a COPY method.
  • Amazon S3 uses PUT with no body and a special x-amz-copy-source header. They call this a PUT Object - Copy.

Both of these approaches assume that you know the destination URI. Your example seems to lack a known destination uri, so you pretty much must use POST. You can't use PUT or COPY because your creation operation is not idempotent.

If your service defines POST /resources as "create a new resource", then why not simply define another way to specify the resource other than as the body of the POST? E.g. POST /resources?source=/resources/10 with an empty body.

like image 50
Francis Avila Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Francis Avila