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How to format Swagger 2.0 text descriptions?

I would like to format my Swagger API descriptions so that they are not simple paragraphs of text. Preferably, I'd like to add a small table to it.

I did not find an online reference about text formatting in Swagger descriptions. If I launch the Swagger Editor, and open the Instagram example (File \ Open Example \ Instagram.yaml), I see the the first description in the yaml file shows some formatting including a hyperlink and bounding box:

    [registered your client](http://instagram.com/developer/register/) it's easy to start requesting data from Instagram.  ```   https://api.instagram.com/v1/media/popular?client_id=CLIENT-ID ``` 

This looks like standard Markdown, but when I add a table markdown to the samples description, the editor presents an error:

|Col1|Col2| |------|------| |1|2|   YAML Syntax Error End of the stream or a document separator is expected at line 36, column 

What formatting does Swagger 2.0 allow? Am I doing something wrong to render a table?

like image 756
TERACytE Avatar asked Oct 07 '16 18:10


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1 Answers

Markdown is supported in the Swagger Editor. Below is an example of using Markdown in an OpenAPI (Swagger) document:

swagger: '2.0' info:   version: 0.0.0   title: Markdown    description: |     # Heading      Text attributes _italic_, *italic*, __bold__, **bold**, `monospace`.      Horizontal rule:      ---      Bullet list:        * apples       * oranges       * pears      Numbered list:        1. apples       2. oranges       3. pears      A [link](http://example.com).      An image:     ![Swagger logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/master/dist/favicon-32x32.png)      Code block:      ```     {       "message": "Hello, world!"     }     ```      Tables:      | Column1 | Column2 |     | ------- | --------|     | cell1   | cell2   | paths:   /:     get:       responses:         200:           description: OK 

You can copy and paste the above example to the Swagger Editor to see the output.

like image 183
Wilson Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09
