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What is the rationale behind using def and defn instead of just define?

In Scheme, we just had define for all the definition, why does Clojure and Lisp use different keywords for different declarations?

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unj2 Avatar asked Jul 22 '09 04:07


3 Answers

defn, defmacro, defstruct and such are just macros for defining their corresponding structure, making it unnecessary to write boilerplate code. For example, defn makes it easier to write functions since you no longer have to worry about putting in the lambda term (which you can do in Scheme just by bracketing the arguments immediately after the name being defined):


(define hello
  (lambda (name)
    (display (string-append "hello, " name))))

(define (hello name)
  (display (string-append "hello, " name)))


(def hello
  (fn [name]
    (println (str "hello, " name))))

(defn hello [name]
  (println (str "hello, " name)))

You can look at defn as a mnemomic device for def + fn. Such shortcuts make for less boilerplate coding and make the code just easier to read in general. I'm teaching someone how to program Scheme at the moment and I make them use the long forms so that they have in mind at all times what the language is doing (and will appreciate the work-saving macros all the more when they finally start using them).

The define or def forms give a name to some expression that follows. The lambda or fn form gives the name a set of bindings when used within a define or def expression. That's where things start to get more complex and the use of macro forms keeps you sane and protects you from typing boredom.

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Pinochle Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 00:11


They define different kinds of objects (functions, special variables, macros, structures, classes, generic functions, methods, packages). In Common Lisp, they also are in different namespaces. Different definition forms also have different syntax (Scheme's define combines variable and function definition. But can it define a class?)

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dmitry_vk Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11


def in Clojure is a special form and it's nice to keep special forms as simple and primitive as possible. defn is a macro that adds sugar for easily setting docstrings and metadata, and (as others have said) removes the need for extraneous parens. defn also automatically sets up some metadata on your function itself (showing arglists etc.) which makes no sense for a general def.

Functions are by far the most common thing you're going to be defining toplevel in Clojure. Toplevel mutable variables are discouraged. So it makes sense to have an easy and fast way to define a toplevel function. Using def for everything would result in a lot of boilerplate. If there was no defn we'd all be reinventing it ourselves to avoid being annoyed to death.

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Brian Carper Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11

Brian Carper