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What is the purpose of an 'if (0)' block in if-else block?




People also ask

What does if 0 mean in C?

'0' in any case is considered as false value, so when you pass 0 as an argument like: if(0) { ---statments--- } The statement part of will not get executed, and the system will directly jump to else part.

What is the IF ELSE statement?

Definition and Usage. The if/else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed. The if/else statement is a part of JavaScript's "Conditional" Statements, which are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.

What is nested IF ELSE statement?

A nested if statement is an if statement placed inside another if statement. Nested if statements are often used when you must test a combination of conditions before deciding on the proper action.

Why is my IF statement not working in C?

The short answer here is that you've written illegible code that you can no longer read. A few things to consider: (1) Use more, smaller, well-named functions (2) Use meaningful variable names (3) Make if statements that read like english.

This can be useful if there are #if statements, ala

   if (0)
       // Empty block
   else if (test1())
   else if (test2())


In this case, any (and all) of the tests can be #if'ed out, and the code will compile correctly. Almost all compilers will remove the if (0) {} part. A simple autogenerator could generate code like this, as it is slightly easier to code - it doesn't have to consider the first enabled block separately.

I sometimes use this for symmetry so I can move the other else if{ freely around with my editor without having to mind the first if.

Semantically the

if (0) {
    // Empty braces
} else 

part doesn't do anything and you can count on optimizers to delete it.

I've seen a similar pattern used in generated code. For example, in SQL, I've seen libraries emit the following where clause.

where 1 = 1

This presumably makes it easier to just add on other criteria, because all additional criteria can be prepended with and instead of an additional check to see if it is the first criteria or not.

As written, the if (0) {} clause compiles out to nothing.

I suspect the function of the clause at the top of this ladder is to provide an easy place to temporarily disable all the other functionality at once (for debugging or comparison purposes) by changing the 0 to a 1 or true.

I am not sure of any optimizations, but my two cents:

This happened because of some code modification, where one primary condition was removed, (the function call in initial if block, let's say), but the developers/ maintainers

  • were lazy to restructure the if-else block
  • did not want to go down on the branch coverage count

so instead of removing the associated if block, they simply changed the condition to if(0) and moved on.