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What is the practical use of pointers to member functions?

I've read through this article, and what I take from it is that when you want to call a pointer to a member function, you need an instance (either a pointer to one or a stack-reference) and call it so:


My question is based on this: since you have the instance, why not call the member function directly, like so:

instance.mem_func(..) //or: instance->mem_func(..)

What is the rational/practical use of pointers to member functions?


I'm playing with X-development & reached the stage where I am implementing widgets; the event-loop-thread for translating the X-events to my classes & widgets needs to start threads for each widget/window when an event for them arrives; to do this properly I thought I needed function-pointers to the event-handlers in my classes.

Not so: what I did discover was that I could do the same thing in a much clearer & neater way by simply using a virtual base class. No need whatsoever for pointers to member-functions. It was while developing the above that the doubt about the practical usability/meaning of pointers to member-functions arose.

The simple fact that you need a reference to an instance in order to use the member-function-pointer, obsoletes the need for one.

[edit - @sbi & others]

Here is a sample program to illustrate my point: (Note specifically 'Handle_THREE()')

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

class Base
    ~Base() {}
    virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) = 0;

typedef void (Base::*memfunc)(std::string);

class Paper : public Base
    Paper() {}
    ~Paper() {}
    virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) { std::cout << "Handling paper\n"; }

class Wood : public Base
    Wood() {}
    ~Wood() {}
    virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) { std::cout << "Handling wood\n"; }

class Glass : public Base
    Glass() {}
    ~Glass() {}
    virtual void Handler(std::string sItem) { std::cout << "Handling glass\n"; }

std::map< std::string, memfunc > handlers;
void AddHandler(std::string sItem, memfunc f) { handlers[sItem] = f; }

std::map< Base*, memfunc > available_ONE;
void AddAvailable_ONE(Base *p, memfunc f) { available_ONE[p] = f; }

std::map< std::string, Base* > available_TWO;
void AddAvailable_TWO(std::string sItem, Base *p) { available_TWO[sItem] = p; }

void Handle_ONE(std::string sItem)
    memfunc f = handlers[sItem];
    if (f)
        std::map< Base*, memfunc >::iterator it;
        Base *inst = NULL;
        for (it=available_ONE.begin(); ((it != available_ONE.end()) && (inst==NULL)); it++)
            if (it->second == f) inst = it->first;
        if (inst) (inst->*f)(sItem);
        else std::cout << "No instance of handler for: " << sItem << "\n";
    else std::cout << "No handler for: " << sItem << "\n";

void Handle_TWO(std::string sItem)
    memfunc f = handlers[sItem];
    if (f)
        Base *inst = available_TWO[sItem];
        if (inst) (inst->*f)(sItem);
        else std::cout << "No instance of handler for: " << sItem << "\n";
    else std::cout << "No handler for: " << sItem << "\n";

void Handle_THREE(std::string sItem)
    Base *inst = available_TWO[sItem];
    if (inst) inst->Handler(sItem);
    else std::cout << "No handler for: " << sItem << "\n";

int main()
    Paper p;
    Wood w;
    Glass g;

    AddHandler("Paper", (memfunc)(&Paper::Handler));
    AddHandler("Wood", (memfunc)(&Wood::Handler));
    AddHandler("Glass", (memfunc)(&Glass::Handler));

    AddAvailable_ONE(&p, (memfunc)(&Paper::Handler));
    AddAvailable_ONE(&g, (memfunc)(&Glass::Handler));

    AddAvailable_TWO("Paper", &p);
    AddAvailable_TWO("Glass", &g);

    std::cout << "\nONE: (bug due to member-function address being relative to instance address)\n";

    std::cout << "\nTWO:\n";

    std::cout << "\nTHREE:\n";

{edit] Potential problem with direct-call in above example:
In Handler_THREE() the name of the method must be hard-coded, forcing changes to be made anywhere that it is used, to apply any change to the method. Using a pointer to member-function the only additional change to be made is where the pointer is created.

[edit] Practical uses gleaned from the answers:

From answer by Chubsdad:
What: A dedicated 'Caller'-function is used to invoke the mem-func-ptr;
Benefit: To protect code using function(s) provided by other objects
How: If the particular function(s) are used in many places and the name and/or parameters change, then you only need to change the name where it is allocated as pointer, and adapt the call in the 'Caller'-function. (If the function is used as instance.function() then it must be changed everywhere.)

From answer by Matthew Flaschen:
What: Local specialization in a class
Benefit: Makes the code much clearer,simpler and easier to use and maintain
How: Replaces code that would conventionally be implement using complex logic with (potentially) large switch()/if-then statements with direct pointers to the specialization; fairly similar to the 'Caller'-function above.

like image 880
slashmais Avatar asked Oct 18 '10 07:10


People also ask

What is the practical use of function pointers?

Function pointers can be useful when you want to create callback mechanism, and need to pass address of a function to another function. They can also be useful when you want to store an array of functions, to call dynamically for example.

Which pointer is used in pointer to member function?

The pointer to member operators . * and ->* are used to bind a pointer to a member of a specific class object. Because the precedence of () (function call operator) is higher than . * and ->* , you must use parentheses to call the function pointed to by ptf .

What is the use of member functions?

Member functions are operators and functions that are declared as members of a class. Member functions do not include operators and functions declared with the friend specifier. These are called friends of a class.

How member function can be accessed using pointers?

To access a member function by pointer, we have to declare a pointer to the object and initialize it (by creating the memory at runtime, yes! We can use new keyboard for this). The second step, use arrow operator -> to access the member function using the pointer to the object.

1 Answers

The same reason you use any function pointer: You can use arbitrary program logic to set the function pointer variable before calling it. You could use a switch, an if/else, pass it into a function, whatever.


The example in the question does show that you can sometimes use virtual functions as an alternative to pointers to member functions. This shouldn't be surprising, because there are usually multiple approaches in programming.

Here's an example of a case where virtual functions probably don't make sense. Like the code in the OP, this is meant to illustrate, not to be particularly realistic. It shows a class with public test functions. These use internal, private, functions. The internal functions can only be called after a setup, and a teardown must be called afterwards.

#include <iostream>

class MemberDemo;
typedef void (MemberDemo::*MemberDemoPtr)();

class MemberDemo
    void test1();
    void test2();

    void test1_internal();
    void test2_internal();
    void do_with_setup_teardown(MemberDemoPtr p);

void MemberDemo::test1()

void MemberDemo::test2()

void MemberDemo::test1_internal()
    std::cout << "Test1" << std::endl;

void MemberDemo::test2_internal()
    std::cout << "Test2" << std::endl;

void MemberDemo::do_with_setup_teardown(MemberDemoPtr mem_ptr)
    std::cout << "Setup" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Teardown" << std::endl;

int main()
    MemberDemo m;
like image 51
Matthew Flaschen Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 07:10

Matthew Flaschen