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What is the point of prefixing function names with '_' React/React-native ?


So as per convention since JavaScript doesn't have access modifiers I have to prefix "private" function names with an underscore(_). But I am a little confused here, say I am writing a class in C++ or Java that has two functions one that performs internal calculations and the second that returns the result of that internal calculation.

So, I have these two functions


the performInternalSecretCalculation() is supposed to be private since I don't want other classes to worry about how the class handles calculation and hence I don't export this function. Whereas getResult() is something that will be used by other classes and hence I make it public and export this function.

But in case of React classes I am not exporting any functions all the functions defined inside a react class are used within it. So what is the differentiator? When should I prefix an underscore before a function's name?

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Nash Vail Avatar asked Dec 16 '15 07:12

Nash Vail

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1 Answers

It is just a naming convention, used by some developers for internal methods to separate them from the lifecycle methods of react.

Lifecycle methods

  • constructor
  • getChildContext
  • componentWillMount
  • componentDidMount
  • componentWillReceiveProps
  • shouldComponentUpdate
  • componentWillUpdate
  • componentDidUpdate
  • componentWillUnmount

List is borrowed from the AirBnB Style Guide.

Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide

I prefer the Style Guide from AirBnB. They suggest not to use underscore prefix. I force instead a clean order for the methods.

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purii Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09
