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What does the number beside the icon represent?


What does the number mean in read and why does it increment from 1 to 2? It looks similar to firebugs error count, but there are no errors here.

enter image description here

like image 267
Dejan Avatar asked Feb 04 '16 21:02


1 Answers

The badge will show different information depending on your settings.

To see the current behavior (and change it):

  1. Go to Tampermonkey settings
  2. Make sure Config Mode is set to Beginner or Advanced as you will not be able to change the setting when in Novice mode
  3. Find Icon Badge Info on the settings screen and set it to your liking.

In Novice mode this is showing the number of "running script instanced". E.g. if you're on a page where you have a script running and that page also has an iframe with the script running the badge will say 2.

like image 83
Emil Oberg Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Emil Oberg