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What is the point of .pipe(map())




I am just looking in to this example https://github.com/arjunyel/angular-apollo-example/blob/master/frontend/src/app/app.component.ts#L28

It has this code:

 this.tweets = this.tweetsGQL
      .valueChanges.pipe(map(tweets => tweets.data));

Just wondering how the this.tweets gets the value assigned? Is it something to do with .pipe(map()) can you give some details on that?

like image 307
sreginogemoh Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 01:11


1 Answers

In angular to show data in a *ngFor we can take two aproachs:

Show an observable using async. generally we use a convention that an observable variable begins by $

<div *ngFor="let tweet of ($tweets | async)?.tweets">
//In this case we use
      .valueChanges.pipe(map(res=> res.data));

Show an array

<div *ngFor="let tweet of tweets.tweets">
//In this case we must subscribe -and not equal the observable to anything
      .valueChanges.pipe(map(res=> res.data))

About "map(tweets=>twees.data)". The observable can return anything. In this case return an object like


We can map (transform) the response so the observable only return the "property" data. Not the whole object

//the for must be over tweets.tweets *ngFor="let tweet of tweets.tweets"

even we can map the response so the observable return data.tweets

//the for must be over tweets *ngFor="let tweet of tweets"

NOTE:I change the response using the variable "res" to avoid confusions

like image 81
Eliseo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
