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What is the 'page lifecycle' of an ASP.NET WebForm? [closed]


I'm looking to get a more thorough understanding of the ASP.NET page lifecycle. I'm in the process of building custom form controls and have found my knowledge in this area to be lacking.

  • Are there any resources, tutorials, etc. that you've used to better understand this area?
  • Are there any tools you've used to improve your knowledge in this area?
  • like image 892
    Gavin Miller Avatar asked Feb 27 '09 23:02

    Gavin Miller

    People also ask

    What is the last stage of webform life cycle?

    UnLoad - The UnLoad phase is the last phase of the page life cycle. It raises the UnLoad event for all controls recursively and lastly for the page itself. Final cleanup is done and all resources and references, such as database connections, are freed.

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    5. Application End. Application End is the last stage of the application life cycle. It helps to unload the memory.

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    ASP.NET Page Lifecycle. In ASP.NET, a web page has execution lifecycle that includes various phases. These phases include initialization, instantiation, restoring and maintaining state etc. it is required to understand the page lifecycle so that we can put custom code at any stage to perform our business logic.

    1 Answers

    I have this on my tack board. Helpful when your using Master pages.

    1. Content page PreInit event
    2. Master page controls Init event
    3. Content controls Init event
    4. Master page Init event
    5. Content page Init event
    6. Content page Load event
    7. Master page Load event
    8. Master page controls Load event
    9. Content page controls Load event
    10. Content page PreRender event
    11. Master page PreRender event
    12. Master page controls PreRender event
    13. Content page controls PreRender event
    14. Master page controls Unload event
    15. Content page controls Unload event
    16. Master page Unload event
    17. Content page Unload event
    like image 72
    Jon Erickson Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

    Jon Erickson