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What is the overhead cost of an empty vector?

As for the question as asked: It depends on the implementation. With MSVC 7.1 this:

std:: cout << sizeof(std::vector<int>) << std::endl;

gives me 16 (bytes). (3 pointers: begin, end, and end of capacity, plus an allocator)

However it should be noted that the pointer-to-vector gives it a larger overhead:

  • in both time and space in the non-empty case
  • in complexity in all cases.

It's completely implementation-dependent and you should neither assume nor rely on the details. For what it's worth it's 20-bytes using VC.

std::vector v; takes up sizeof(v) space. It might vary by implementation, so run it and find out how much it takes for you.


std::vector<int> *ptrToVec = new std::vector<int>();
std::vector<int> vecOfInt;

sizeof(ptrToVec) = 4
sizeof(vecOfInt) = 20


In Visual Studio Community 2017 (Version 15.2), running this code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void main()
    vector<float> test;
    vector<float>* test2 = &test;
    cout << sizeof(test) << "\n";
    cout << sizeof(test2) << "\n";

    cout << "\n";

Running in 32 bit (x86), I get 16 bytes for the vector and 4 bytes for the vector pointer.

Running in 64 bit (x64), I get 32 bytes for the vector and 8 bytes for the vector pointer.