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What is the minimum sized AVL tree where a deletion causes 2 rotations?

It is well known that deletion from an AVL tree may cause several nodes to eventually be unbalanced. My question is, what is the minimum sized AVL tree such that 2 rotations are required (I'm assuming a left-right or right-left rotation is 1 rotation)? I currently have an AVL tree with 12 nodes where deletion would cause 2 rotations. My AVL tree is inserting in this order:

8, 5, 9, 3, 6, 11, 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 1.

If you delete the 10, 9 becomes unbalanced and a rotation occurs. In doing so, 8 becomes unbalanced and another rotation occurs. Is there a smaller tree where 2 rotations are necessary after a deletion?

After reading jpalecek's comment, my real question is: Given some constant k, what is the minimum sized AVL tree that has k rotations after 1 deletion?

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Greg C Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 20:11

Greg C

1 Answers

A tree of four nodes requires a single rotation in the worst case. The worst case number of deletions increases with each term in the list: 4, 12, 33, 88, 232, 609, 1596, 4180, 10945, 28656, ...

This is Sloane's A027941 and is a Fibonacci-type sequence that can be generated with N(i)=1+N(i-1)+N(i-2) for i>=2, N(1)=2, N(0)=1.

To see why this is so, first note that rotating an imbalanced AVL tree reduces its height by one because its shorter leg is lengthened at the expense of its longer leg.

When a node is removed from an AVL tree, the AVL algorithm checks all of the removed node's ancestors for potential rebalancing. Therefore, to answer your question we need to identify trees with the minimum number of nodes for a given height.

In such a tree every node is either a leaf or has a balance factor of +1 or -1: if a node had a balance factor of zero this would mean that a node could be removed without triggering a rebalancing. And we know rebalancing makes a tree shorter.

Below, I show a set of worst-case trees. You can see that following the first two trees in the sequence, each tree is constructed by joining the previous two trees. You can also see that every node in each tree is either a leaf or has a non-zero balance factor. Therefore, each tree has the maximum height for its number of nodes.

For each tree, a removal in the left subtree will, in the worst case, cause rotations which ultimately reduce the height of that subtree by one. This balances the tree as a whole. On the other hand, removing a node from the right subtree may ultimately imbalance the tree resulting in a rotation of the root. Therefore, the right subtrees are of prime interest.

You can verify that Tree (c) and Tree (d) have one rotation upon removal, in the worst case.

Tree (c) appears as a right subtree in Tree (e) and Tree (d) as a right subtree in Tree (f). When a rotation is triggered in Tree (c) or (d) this shortens the trees resulting in a root rotation in Trees (d) and (f). Clearly, the sequence continues.

If you count the number of nodes in the trees this matches my original statement and completes the proof.

(In the trees below removing the highlighted node will result in a new maximum number of rotations.)

Worst-case AVL trees

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Richard Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
