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What is the meaning of -rc in semantic versioning?

I get the logic of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH and kinda intuitively get what -alpha and -beta mean at the end of a semver number but -rc doesn't ring any bell for me.

Couldn't find a satisfying answer there -> https://semver.org/

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Félix Paradis Avatar asked Jun 18 '18 18:06

Félix Paradis

People also ask

What is meant by semantic versioning?

Semantic Versioning is a versioning scheme for using meaningful version numbers (that's why it is called Semantic Versioning). Specifically, the meaning revolves around how API versions compare in terms of backwards-compatibility.

Why is semantic versioning important?

The whole point behind semantic versioning is to let you keep track of all the changes and progress you make. What's more, if you're an end user and you keep up with releases, the version numbers tell you when it's really important to update.

What is RC in semantic versioning?

RC means release candidate. A release candidate (RC) version is a beta version likely to be a stable product. Generally, the last two releases may be stable release.

2 Answers

The meanings of prerelease and build meta tags in SemVer strings is entirely up to the publisher. Always consult the publisher's documentation before acting on tag content. As @lemieuxster points out however, "rc" is likely an acronym for Release Candidate.

In the absence of publisher documentation, you can not make assumptions about meanings of any prerelease tag. The specs defines precedence based entirely on the tags ASCII code points and the number of fields: 1.0.0-airdale < 1.0.0-airdale.dog < 1.0.0-boring < 1.0.0-zed. They don't have to have any implied meaning for the sort algorithms to do their job. There's nothing special about "-alpha" unless the publisher documents what it means.

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jwdonahue Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10


RC means release candidate. A release candidate (RC) version is a beta version likely to be a stable product. Generally, the last two releases may be stable release.

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Amber Zhang Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10

Amber Zhang