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What is the list of HTML tags that are supported in NSAttributedString?

I could not find where in the documentation that states which HTML tags are supported in NSAttributedString? Does anyone know what is the list? Thanks.

like image 204
dickyj Avatar asked Aug 23 '16 03:08


1 Answers

At present the following tags are supported that I found in GitHub (link to git page: https://github.com/johnezang/NSAttributedString-Additions-for-HTML) I think this may help you

Headers H1 - H6
Paragraphs: P
Italic: I, EM
Underline: U
Superscript: SUP
Subscript: SUB, e.g. e = mc2
Styling: FONT (face and color, not size). It would be great if we could support many more styles
Unordered Lists: UL, LI
Ordered Lists: OL, LI
like image 139
Arunbal Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
