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what is the fundamental difference between jsonlite and rjson packages?




The rjson::fromJSON() reads a file incorrectly while jsonlite::fromJSON() reads it fine. Here's a sample example.

file test.json contents:

{"name": "Sanjay",
"unit_price": 130848,
"amount": 11,
"up_to_data_sales": 45725}

the jsonlite fromJSON outputs:

[1] "Sanjay"

[1] 130848

[1] 11

[1] 45725

But the same throws an error in rjson package.


Error in rjson::fromJSON("test.json") :   parseTrue: expected to see 'true' - likely an unquoted string starting with 't'.
  1. Why is this error coming?
  2. What is the reason rjson package was launched when jsonlite existed?
like image 614
Dhruv Mehrotra Avatar asked Jan 28 '23 03:01

Dhruv Mehrotra

2 Answers


stringdist::stringdist("rjson", "jsonlite")
## [1] 5

That's a modest difference to begin with.

However, your assertion seems to be amiss:


rjson::fromJSON('{"name": "Sanjay",
"unit_price": 130848,
"amount": 11,
"up_to_data_sales": 45725}') %>% str()
## List of 4
##  $ name            : chr "Sanjay"
##  $ unit_price      : num 130848
##  $ amount          : num 11
##  $ up_to_data_sales: num 45725

jsonlite::fromJSON('{"name": "Sanjay",
"unit_price": 130848,
"amount": 11,
"up_to_data_sales": 45725}') %>% str()
## List of 4
##  $ name            : chr "Sanjay"
##  $ unit_price      : int 130848
##  $ amount          : int 11
##  $ up_to_data_sales: int 45725

Apart from jsonlite using a more diminutive data type for the numbers, they both parse the JSON fine.

So there's an issue with your file that you failed to disclose in the question.

A further incorrect assertion

-rw-rw-r--  1 bob  staff      2690 Jul 30  2007 rjson_0.1.0.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 bob  staff    400196 Dec  3  2013 jsonlite_0.9.0.tar.gz

not to mention:

-rw-rw-r--  1 bob   staff   873843 Oct  4  2010 RJSONIO_0.3-1.tar.gz

rjson came first. (dir listings came from the CRAN mirror sitting next to me).

You can actually read about the rationale and impetus behind jsonlite here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1403.2805 (which I got off the CRAN page for jsonlite.

like image 172
hrbrmstr Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 18:02


1) Why is the error coming? - Error is due to the mistake in syntax

rjson does not read the file if 'file=' command is not given whereas when reading the file using Jsonlite it is not required

 # For example:

 y <- rjson::fromJSON(file = "Input.json") 
 x <- jsonlite::fromJSON("Input.json")

2) What is the reason rjson package was launched when jsonlite existed?

First, rjson was launched before jsonlite and second, there is a difference in the way they read files:

For example, consider the following input:

{ "id": 1, "prod_info": [ { "product": "xyz", "brand": "pqr", "price": 500 }, { "product": "abc", "brand": "klm", "price": 5000 } ] }

prod_info in the above input is a list with 2 vectors. But jsonlite reads it in the form of dataframe while rjson reads it as a list


[1] 1

  product brand price
1     xyz   pqr   500
2     abc   klm  5000

[1] 1

[1] "xyz"

[1] "pqr"

[1] 500

[1] "abc"

[1] "klm"

[1] 5000

[1] "data.frame"

[1] "list"
like image 34
Hinduja Elluru Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 18:02

Hinduja Elluru