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What is the function of square brackets around table keys in lua?




I came across tables that have square brackets around keys:

local commands_json =
    ["request"] = {
        ["application"] = PW_APPLICATION,
        ["push_token"] = deviceToken

Can the square brackets be omitted?

like image 409
hamobi Avatar asked Jan 08 '16 22:01


People also ask

What do brackets mean in Lua?

They're used for table literals as you would use in C : t = {'a', 'b', 'c'} That's the only common case. They're not used for block delimiters. In a lua table, you can put values of different types : t={"foo", 'b', 3}

What does square brackets mean in node JS?

Creating arrays in JavaScript is easy with the array literal notation. It consists of two square brackets that wrap optional array elements separated by a comma. Array elements can be any type, including number, string, boolean, null, undefined, object, function, regular expression and other arrays.

How does a table work in Lua?

Tables are the only data structure available in Lua that helps us create different types like arrays and dictionaries. Lua uses associative arrays and which can be indexed with not only numbers but also with strings except nil. Tables have no fixed size and can grow based on our need.

What is a constructor in Lua?

Constructors are expressions that create and initialize tables. They are a distinctive feature of Lua and one of its most useful and versatile mechanisms. The simplest constructor is the empty constructor, {} , which creates an empty table; we saw it before.

2 Answers

It's simply the long form of specifying keys in a table. You can put any value between the [] (except nil. And floating-point NaNs). Whereas without them, you can only use identifiers.

For example:

tbl =
  key name = 5,

That's a compile error, since "key name" isn't an identifier (due to the space). This works:

tbl =
  ["key name"] = 5,

And this:

tbl =
  "key name" = 5,

Is also a compile error. If Lua sees a naked value like this, it thinks you're trying to add to the array part of the table. That is, it confuses it with:

tbl =
  "key name",

Which creates a 1-element array, with tbl[1] equal to "key name". By using [], the compiler can easily tell that you meant for something to be a key rather than the value of an array element.

The long form also lets you distinguish between:

local name = "a name";

tbl =
  ["name"] = 5,
  [name] = 7,

The second part means to evaluate the expression name, the result of which will be the key. So this table has the keys "name" and "a name".

like image 87
Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10

Nicol Bolas

You cannot omit the brackets

> x = { 'a' = 1 }
stdin:1: '}' expected near '='

the correct code is

> x = { ['a'] = 1 }
> print(x['a'])


> x = { a = 1 }
> print(x['a'])

However, the second one has its limitations. What if you want to have a key called "-"?

> x = { - = 1 }
stdin:1: unexpected symbol near '='
> x = { '-' = 1 }
stdin:1: '}' expected near '='

again the correct way is to use brackets

> x = { ['-'] = 1 }
> print(x['-'])

Or you want to create a field of name which is contained in a variable called a?

> a = 'cat'
> x = { [a] = 1 } 
> print(x['cat'])

Brackets are used as a general form of key creation, they give you ability to put any hashable object as a key - not only strings.

like image 35
lejlot Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10
