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Document describing Lua 5.2 implementation?



Lua.org has a very nice document which describes implementation strategies and novelties of Lua 5.0.

In Lua 5.2 we can add a serious incremental garbage collector and a goto statement to the Lua 5.0 feature list. I would really like to read about how they implemented them (without digging too much in the source).

So, is there a document like the one for 5.0 available for 5.2 somewhere?

like image 534
orlp Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 10:03


2 Answers

There is a presentation about Lua 5.2 novelties by Roberto Ierusalimschy. Although it does not give details about garbage collection, there is a slide describing the implementation of goto (slide 17).

If you need more details, I guess you will need to take a look at the source (it's actually pretty readable).

like image 191
Michal Kottman Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Michal Kottman

Lua 5.1 introduced incremental garbage collection.

Lua 5.2 introduced generational garbage collection as an experimental feature.

But, no, there is no document on this implementation.

like image 25
lhf Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10
