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What is the equivalent to 'play stop' for Play Framework 2.1?

What is the equivalent of play stop for Play 2.1?

If I did play start, how do I cleanly terminate the process?

like image 331
ripper234 Avatar asked Feb 25 '13 20:02


People also ask

How do I stop play framework?

If you type Ctrl+D, the Play console will quit, but the created server process will continue running in background.

What is activator in play framework?

Play has been updated to use Activator so that we can: Extend the range of templates we provide for getting started with Play projects. Activator supports a much richer library of project templates. Templates can also include tutorials and other resources for getting started.

Is Play framework backend?

Play comes with two configurable server backends, which handle the low level work of processing HTTP requests and responses to and from TCP/IP packets. Starting in 2.6. x, the default server backend is the Akka HTTP server backend, based on the Akka-HTTP server. Prior to 2.6.

Is Play framework good?

Play Framework is the best full-stack web framework available in the current market to develop Reactive Web Applications, Reactive systems, Reactive architecture, Reactive microservices, or Reactive libraries using both FP and RP paradigms, that is, FRP.

1 Answers

On Windows I'm using the following script to kill the currently running play server

@echo off
if exist RUNNING_PID (
  setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  echo killing pid !PLAY_PID!
  taskkill /F /PID !PLAY_PID!
like image 111
tehlexx Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
