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How can I do paging with @OneToMany collections

Suppose I have a Post entity and a Comment entity and a one to many relationship:

@Entity class Post {
    List<Comment> comments;

How can I achieve paging like this:

Post post = //Find the post.
return post.getComments().fetch(100, 10); // Find the 11th page (page size 10);

Is it possible to emulate dynamic paging with @OneToMany collections on top of JPA, or do we have to rewrite the association mechanism of JPA totally ? (e.g. create a PersistentList collection type that could manage the paging, sorting and searching).

P.S.: I recently found the Play! framework uses a very interesting lib on top of JPA: Siena. Siena is very easy to use, and is a good abstraction on top of JPA/Hibernate. But I can't find how to do paging with its associations.


Play framework has a query syntax similar to Django:

Post.findAll().from(100).fetch(10);  // paging



will return a JPAQuery object, a customized query type in Play.

But with associated collections, e.g.:


will just return a List, which doesn't support paging or other queries.

I was wondering how to extend it, so that


will also return a JPAQuery object or similar, then you can query on the "query" collection:


or insert a new Comment without actually fetching any of the comments:

Post.comments.add(new Comment(...));

On my first thought, we could create a subclass of List, then the Post class would become:

@Entity class Post {
    QueryList<Comment> comments;

and QueryList will have fetch(), from() methods that indirect to JPAQuery's.

But I don't know whether Hibernate/JPA will recognize this, or interfere with it.

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Visus Zhao Avatar asked Oct 19 '10 16:10

Visus Zhao

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2 Answers

Is it possible to emulate dynamic paging with @OneToMany collections on top of JPA (...)

Not supported. The standard approach would be to use a JPQL query to retrieve the comments for a given post and and to use Query#setFirstResult(int) and Query#setMaxResults(int).

On my first thought, we could create a subclass of List, (...). But I don't know whether Hibernate/JPA will recognize this, or interfere with it.

It obviously won't without an heavy patch to drastically change the default behavior.

like image 114
Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Pascal Thivent

I think the "right" way might be more like:

class Post {

    public GenericModel.JPAQuery getComments() {
        return Comment.find("post_id = ?", post_id);

and then use one of the fetch methods in JPAQuery:

// fetch first page of results, 25 results per page
like image 30
Brad Mace Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Brad Mace