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What is the equivalent of the has_many 'conditions' option in Rails 4?

Can someone tell me what is the equivalent way to do the following line in Rails 4?

has_many :friends, :through => :friendships, :conditions => "status = 'accepted'", :order => :first_name 

I tried the following:

has_many :friends, -> { where status: 'accepted' }, :through => :friendships , :order => :first_name 

But I get the following error:

Invalid mix of scope block and deprecated finder options on ActiveRecord association: User.has_many :friends 
like image 931
medBouzid Avatar asked Dec 01 '13 01:12


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1 Answers

Needs to be the second arg:

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :orders, -> { where processed: true } end 



Put the order inside the block:

has_many :friends, -> { where(friendship: {status: 'accepted'}).order('first_name DESC') }, :through => :friendships 
like image 140
Kaleidoscope Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 11:10
