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What is the difference between Workers and Threads in Puma

What is the difference between a puma worker and a puma thread in context of a heroku dyno?

What I know (please correct me if I am wrong):

  • Thin is not concurrent, so a web process can only do one request at a time

  • In unicorn, I know I can have several unicorn workers in one process to add concurrency.

But in puma there is threads and workers.. Isn't a worker a thread inside the puma process?

Can I use more workers/threads to add web concurrency in Heroku?

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Nick Ginanto Avatar asked Jun 18 '14 08:06

Nick Ginanto

People also ask

Does Puma use threads?

Puma uses threads, in addition to worker processes, to make more use of available CPU. You can only utilize threads in Puma if your entire code-base is thread safe. Otherwise, you can still use Puma, but must only scale-out through worker processes.

What does worker thread mean?

Worker thread is a continuous parallel thread that runs and accepts messages until the time it is explicitly closed or terminated. Messages to a worker thread can be sent from the parent thread or its child worker threads. Through out this document, parent thread is referred as thread where a worker thread is spawned.

How do I check my Puma threads?

I found "htop" to be an excellent solution. Just toggle "tree view" and you can view each puma-worker and the threads under that worker.

Video Answer

2 Answers

As the other answer states, this Heroku article is pretty good with explanations of certain configuration items.

However if you need to tune your application on Heroku, or anywhere, then it pays to know how things work.

I think you are almost correct when you say "a worker is a thread inside the puma process", I believe a worker is an operating system level process forked from puma which then can use threads internally.

As far as I understand - puma will fork its operating system process however many times you set via workers configuration to respond to http requests. This gives you parallelism in terms of handling multiple requests but this will usually take up more memory as it will 'copy' your application code for each worker.

Each puma worker will then use multiple threads within its OS process depending on the threads configuration. These add concurrency by allowing the puma process to respond to multiple requests itself so that if one thread is blocked, ie processing a request, it can handle a new request with another thread. As stated, this requires your entire application to be threadsafe so that, for example any global configuration from one request does not 'leak' into another.

You would tune puma so that the number of workers was adequate for the number of CPUs and memory available and then tune the threads dependant on how much you would want to saturate the host running your application and how your application behaves - more does not always equal faster/more request throughput.

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robert_murray Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10


This is a big area and I am not an expert, however...

Puma can spawn many workers, and each worker can use many threads to process the request.

Unicorn does not have threads as far as I know, it just has the worker model.

If you use threads though, you need to make sure that your code is thread safe. This means Rails, any gem you rely on, and your own code.

For maximum performance, you might also want to look into JRuby or Rubinius which have proper thread support. MRI is restricted by its GIL.

There is a good article on Heroku which explains how Puma uses workers and threads. You should probably read that and ignore me :)

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jordelver Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10
