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What is the easiest way to determine an iOS .app bundles size while developing?

It is important to make sure every iOS application submitted to the AppStore is under 20MB in size so that it can be downloaded over-the-air.

I am working on an app that may be getting close to that limit, and I've discovered that there does not appear to be an easy way to tell the current output .app bundle size from within XCode.

In XCode4 in particular - by default every build is tucked away in a hard to get at and cryptically named temp directory. I don't want to override this default behavior unless I have to.

I know I can track down the .app bundle by looking at the build logs, opening a shell window, changing to that directory, and using 'du' - but I am hoping to find a quicker and easier way to keep track of the .app file size after each new build.

There isn't even an easy way directly on an iPhone or iPad to determine the size of an application. Mostly I appreciate this - but not when I am in the midst of optimization.

Any thoughts on best practices?

UPDATE: I am using XCode 4 now for most of my day-to-day development, and it seems that every solution so far doesn't work on XCode 4 either because functionality has changed or features (such as Archiving) are still coming soon. I think the ultimate answer may be "use XCode 3" for the particular phase of development. I know I will still need to use XCode 3 for the final build and submission anyway...

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radven Avatar asked Dec 15 '10 03:12


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1 Answers

Where I work, we make an archive form Xcode (Build and Archive) and then we export that archive on the disk from the Organizer Window (using the Share button).

This will generate an .ipa file. The size of that file is what you're looking for.

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Martin Cote Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Martin Cote