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Which initializer(s) to override for UITableViewController subclass

I have a UITableViewController subclass that's instantiated, depending on where it's used, in a NIB or via code. In both cases I want to do customization in the initializer method. Does that mean I need to implement both initWithNibName:bundle: and initWithCoder:, and would each method call its respective super initializer?

While I don't need this right now, what if I also want to be able to instantiate the view controller with initWithStyle:? Would I then need 3 different init methods that replicate the same behavior?

It seems like this violates the whole designated initializer convention, as there would essentially be 3 separate initializers that don't end up calling a common init method. Or is there a way to create a common designated initializer while supporting the 3 different instantiate routes?

like image 870
Daniel Dickison Avatar asked Apr 13 '09 04:04

Daniel Dickison

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3 Answers

My confusion was based on the mistaken belief that each class should have a single designated initializer. This is not true, and in the case of UITableViewController there are 3 designated initializers (as far as I can tell):

  1. initWithStyle: declared locally
  2. initWithNibName:bundle: inherited from UIViewController
  3. initWithCoder: from adopting NSCoding protocol

You need to override 1 or more of these in your subclass depending on how your subclass gets instantiated. In my case I had to implement #2 and #3 since the class can be loaded from a NIB, or instantiated via code with reference to a NIB. (I imagine it's rare that you'll use both initWithStyle: and initWithNibName:bundle: for a single class.)

I found Apple's Coding Guidelines for Cocoa helpful.

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Daniel Dickison Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Daniel Dickison


  • UITableViewController's -initWithStyle: calls the super's -init then set the _tableViewStyle ivar.
  • UIViewController's -init simply calls -initWithNibName:bundle: with default arguments.
  • UITableViewController does not override -initWithNibName:bundle:.

Therefore, if you override -initWithNibName:bundle: then -initWithStyle: will adopt the change too. Of course, to play safe (as you shouldn't rely on implementation details), override both of them.

(And no need to override -initWithCoder: unless you will un/archive the instances.)

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kennytm Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


To clarify, initWithStyle:, being UITableViewController's only published initializer in the docs, is its one explicit designated initializer.

initWithNibName:bundle: is inherited from UIViewController and is the designated initializer for that class. As such, in accordance with Cocoa guidelines, UITableViewController must override this method (by implementing it). However, this does not make it a designated initializer of UITableViewController.

initWithCoder: is, as you point out, an implicit designated initializer from NSCoding.

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bfalling Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
