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What is the difference between with and without curly bracket notation in export/import statements?

I'm new to ES6 and a bit confused with the way classes are exported and imported. It seems many different notations are valid but work differently.

I wrote a class like this in src/web-api.js:

class WebApi {
    // ...

export { WebApi };

Which I import with:

import { WebApi } from './src/web-api.js'

This works fine, but before I've tried the same thing without curly brackets and it didn't work:

export WebApi; // Tells me '{' expected

import WebApi from './src/web-api.js'; // No syntax error but WebApi is undefined

Even though on the MDN documentation for export, the notation export expression; appears to be valid.

Likewise, this is how React is imported in my application file:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

Why is one class with and another one without curly brackets? In general, how can I tell when to use and not to use curly brackets?

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laurent Avatar asked May 06 '17 17:05


People also ask

What is {} in import?

The curly braces are used only for import when export is named. If the export is default then curly braces are not used for import.

What is curly bracket syntax?

curly-bracket language (plural curly-bracket languages) (programming) A programming language whose syntax uses curly brackets to enclose blocks, such as C, C++, Java, or C#.

What does curly bracket mean in JavaScript?

Basically the curly braces {} are the another way for creating objects in javascript. This is equivalent to the "new Object()" syntax.

What are the curly braces in react?

Curly braces { } are special syntax in JSX. It is used to evaluate a JavaScript expression during compilation. A JavaScript expression can be a variable, function, an object, or any code that resolves into a value.

2 Answers

In your case, if you import from the src/web-api.js file without the curly braces, you should have anexport default something in the src/webfile-api.js

Without curly braces

class WebApi {...};
export default WebApi;

In your file

import WebApi from './src/web-api.js'

// Here, the element withexport default in the src/web-api.js file should be imported without the curly braces anywhere. PS: It must have only one export default for each file.

With curly braces

export { WebApi }

In your file import {WebApi} from './src/web-api.js'

Dan Abramov explains clearly the export/import methods in ES6 at this answer. When should I use curly braces for ES6 import?

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tolotra Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


ES6 offers many ways to manage modules through import/export. But there are basically two main strategies:

  1. Default export/import with export default and import module from './module'
  2. Multiple exports/imports with export and import {member} from './module' or import * as module from './module'

(Mixing both is possible but not recommended.)

Module to export/import

function foo() {

function bar() {

Strategy #1: Default export/import

Export (module.js)

function foo() {

function bar() {

export default {foo, bar};

  {foo, bar} is just an ES6 object literal that could be written like so:

  export default {
    foo: foo,
    bar: bar

  It is the legacy of the "Revealing Module pattern"...

Import (main.js)

import module from './module';

module.foo(); // Foo
module.bar(); // Bar

Strategy #2: Multiple exports/imports

Export (module.js)

export function foo() {

export function bar() {

Import (main.js)

import {foo, bar} from './module';

foo(); // Foo
bar(); // Bar

  This is valid too:

  import * as module from './module';

  module.foo(); // Foo
  module.bar(); // Bar

As I said previously, ES6 modules are much more complex than that. For further information, I recommend you to read Exploring ES6 by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, especially this chapter: http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_modules.html.

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Badacadabra Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
