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node encode and decode utf-16 buffer

im working on a javascript/nodejs application that needs to talk with a C++ tcp/udp socket. It seems like I get from the old C++ clients an utf16 buffer. I didn't found a solution right now to convert it to a readable string and the other direction seems to be the same problem.

Is there a easy way for this two directions?

Nice greetings

like image 852
user2244925 Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 08:11


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1 Answers

If you have a UTF-16-encoded buffer, you can convert it to a UTF-8 string like this:

let string = buffer.toString('utf16le');

To read these from a stream, it's easiest to use convert to string at the very end:

let chunks = [];
stream.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk))
      .on('end',  ()    => {
        let buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
        let string = buffer.toString('utf16le');

To convert a JS string to UTF-16:

let buffer = Buffer.from(string, 'utf16le')
like image 84
robertklep Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
