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What is the difference between v-model and .sync when used on a custom component

I don't understand the difference between v-model and .sync used on a component.

<my-component v-model="myVar"> 

V-model is a shorthand for binding a variable (myVar) to the component property 'value' and listening to the 'input' event emitted from the component to update the variable 'myVar'.

<my-component v-bind:prop1.sync="myVar"> 

.sync is a shorthand for binding a variable (myVar) to a component property ('prop1' in this case) and listening to the 'update:prop1' event emitted from the component to update the variable 'myVar'.

I know that by default v-model only works with the 'value' property and the 'input' event but even that can be customized using the 'model' option in the component.

Would be nice if anybody could explain the difference to me or when to use what.

Here is an example where I used the same component in three different ways: 1) manual binding + event listening 2) .sync 3) v-model

like image 659
Peter Petrus Avatar asked Sep 15 '19 19:09

Peter Petrus

People also ask

What is the difference between V-model and V-bind?

v-bind is a one-way binding. v-model is used for binding form elements like inputs, radio buttons, textarea, checkboxes. It is used for binding data, attributes, expressions, class, styles. V-model is input value sensitive.

What is .sync in Vuejs?

. sync is a shorthand for binding a variable (myVar) to a component property ('prop1' in this case) and listening to the 'update:prop1' event emitted from the component to update the variable 'myVar'.

What is the use of V-model in Vue?

Basic Usage You can use the v-model directive to create two-way data bindings on form input, textarea, and select elements. It automatically picks the correct way to update the element based on the input type.

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For v-model to work, it expects the element or component in question to receive a prop (default is value ) and also emit an event (default is input ). Vue uses this expansion to handle textarea , select , and some other input types.

2 Answers

For Vue.js 2 both pretty much do the same thing - enable two-way binding, although .sync is more versatile. It was added after v-model was added for components. .sync allows to use v-model logic for more than one prop. Let's compare:

  • .sync
<comp :value.sync="username" :age.sync="userAge" /> 

expands to:

<comp :value="username" :age="userAge" @update:name="val => userName = val" @update:age="val => userAge = val" /> 
  • v-model
<comp v-model="userName" /> 

expands to:

<comp :value="username" @input="val => username = val" /> 

The differences as we can see are:

  • the default prop name v-model always binds to property called value

  • .sync allows you to use multiple props

  • the event name emitted from component (@update for .sync and @input for v-model)

One very interesting feature of .sync is its special handling of objects. The .sync modifier when used on an object will set multiple props at once (more here)

Which one to use? It is a standard pattern to use property value as the key value carrier for a component. In this situation if you have value property and want to enable 2-way binding for it then use v-model. In all other cases use .sync

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husayt Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09


There isn't much difference, so much so that there is a plan to potentially merge them in Vue 3:


In cases where a component has a natural candidate for two-way binding you'd use v-model. So text inputs, checkboxes, etc. would all use v-model. Similarly it might make sense in the context of a component with a concept of selection. You could use sync instead but it isn't typically what other developers would be expecting.

In Vue 2 you can only have a single prop/event wired up to v-model. If you want two-way binding for multiple props/events then you'd have to use sync.

Vuetify contains several examples of components that use both v-model and sync. For example, v-autocomplete:


This uses v-model for the selected value but it also uses sync for error and search-input.

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skirtle Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
