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Using vue.js with semantic UI

I'm trying to use webpack + Semantic UI with Vue.js and I found this library https://vueui.github.io/

But there was problem compling:

ERROR in ./~/vue-ui/components/sidebar/sidebar.jade Module parse failed: /Project/node_modules/vue-     ui/components/sidebar/sidebar.jade Unexpected token (1:24) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. 

So I installed jade(pug) but still no luck.

And there's comment in github for that lib:

WIP, do not use ( https://github.com/vueui/vue-ui )

I've managed to import semantic css in my templates like this:

@import './assets/libs/semantic/dist/semantic.min.css'; 

But problem here is that I can't use semantic.js functions like dimmer and other stuff.

The thing is that I already have some old codebase written with semantic and it would be good not to use any other css framework (bootstrap or materialize).

Is there any elegant way to include semantic UI in my vue.js project?

like image 980
T0plomj3r Avatar asked Apr 17 '16 12:04


People also ask

Is material UI better than semantic UI?

According to the StackShare community, Material-UI has a broader approval, being mentioned in 69 company stacks & 80 developers stacks; compared to Semantic UI React, which is listed in 16 company stacks and 22 developer stacks.

Is Vue for UI?

Bootstrap-Vue It provides you with readily available UI components and a grid system, plus everything is mobile-first and responsive. Further, the components of this library are compatible with the WAI-ARIA guidelines for web accessibility.

Does Vue support JavaScript?

Vue 3 leverages modern JavaScript features and does not support IE11. You are still waiting for major ecosystem projects like Nuxt or Vuetify to release stable versions for Vue 3.

What is semantic UI used for?

What is Semantic UI? Semantic UI is a front-end development framework similar to bootstrap designed for theming. It contains pre-built semantic components that helps create beautiful and responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML.

2 Answers

1) Install jQuery if it's not installed (properly!):

  • npm install --save jquery
  • then in your webpack.config file (I just added it in webpack.dev.config.js, but maybe add it in the prod config file):

    in the plugins add a new webpack.ProvidePlugin

    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({     // jquery     $: 'jquery',     jQuery: 'jquery',     'window.jQuery': 'jquery' }) 

    Now jQuery is available for ALL the application and components.

The good thing is this is now the same process for ALL your external libraries you want to use (Numeral, Moment, etc..), and of course semantic-ui!

Let's go :

  • npm install --save semantic-ui-css

nb : you can use the main repo (i.e. semantic-ui) but semantic-ui-css is the basis theme for semantic-ui.

So, now, you have to, firstly, define Aliases in the webpack.base.config.js file :

under resolve.alias add the alias for semantic:

resolve: {     extensions: ['', '.js', '.vue'],     fallback: [path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules')],     alias: {       'src': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'),       'assets': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/assets'),       'components': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components'),       // adding our externals libs       'semantic': path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.js')     }   } 

nb : you can put there your other external libs aliases :

// adding our externals libs       'moment': path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js'),       'numeral': path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/numeral/min/numeral.min.js'),       'gridster': path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/gridster/dist/jquery.gridster.min.js'),       'semantic': path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.js'),       'stapes': path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/stapes/stapes.min.js') 

nb : use your own path there (normally they should look like those ones !)

...we are about to finish...

Next step is to add alias reference to the plugin provider, like we just do for jQuery =)

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({       // jquery       $: 'jquery',       jQuery: 'jquery',       'window.jQuery': 'jquery',       // semantic-ui | TODO : is usefull since we import it       semantic: 'semantic-ui-css',       Semantic: 'semantic-ui-css',       'semantic-ui': 'semantic-ui-css' }) 

nb : here I use several names, maybe semantic is only sufficient ;-)

Again, you can add your lib/alias there :

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({       // jquery       $: 'jquery',       jQuery: 'jquery',       'window.jQuery': 'jquery',       // gridster       gridster: 'gridster',       Gridster: 'gridster',       // highcharts       highcharts: 'highcharts',       Highcharts: 'highcharts',       // semantic-ui | TODO : is usefull since we import it       semantic: 'semantic-ui-css',       Semantic: 'semantic-ui-css',       'semantic-ui': 'semantic-ui-css',       // Moment       moment: 'moment',       Moment: 'moment',       // Numeral       numeral: 'numeral',       Numeral: 'numeral',       // lodash       '_': 'lodash',       'lodash': 'lodash',       'Lodash': 'lodash',       // stapes       stapes: 'stapes',       Stapes: 'stapes'     }) 

Here are all the external libs I'm using in my own project (you can see gridster, which is a jQuery plugin - like semantic-ui is !)

So now, just one last thing to do :

  • add semantic css :

    I do this by adding this line at the beginning of the main.js file :

    import '../node_modules/semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css'

Then, after this line add :

import semantic from 'semantic'

Now you can use it.

Example in my Vuejs file:

<div class="dimension-list-item">   <div class="ui toggle checkbox"     :class="{ disabled : item.disabled }">       <input type="checkbox"         v-model="item.selected"         :id="item.id"         :disabled="item.disabled">       <label :class="{disabled : item.disabled}" :for="item.id">{{item.label}} / {{item.selected}}</label>   </div> </div> 

This snippet create a simple cell for a list with a checkbox.

And in script :

export default {   props: ['item'],   ready() {         $(this.$el.childNodes[1]).checkbox()   } } 

Here the result :



Normally, all should works fine.

I have just started to develop with Vuejs last week, so, maybe there is a better way to to that ;-)

like image 73
Yome Katsuma Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Yome Katsuma

A bit late, but now you can use this: https://github.com/Semantic-UI-Vue/Semantic-UI-Vue. Still WIP but it has all the basic functionalities.

Pretty easy to use:

import Vue form 'vue'; import SuiVue from 'semantic-ui-vue';  /* ... */  Vue.use(SuiVue);  var app = new Vue({   el: '#app',   data: {     message: 'Hello Vue!'   },   template: '<sui-button primary>{{message}}</sui-button>' }); 

The APIs are very similar to the React version: if you used it, this will be very familiar.

Here is a JSFiddle if you want to play around: https://jsfiddle.net/pvjvekce/

Disclaimer: I am the creator

like image 41
Mario Lamacchia Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Mario Lamacchia