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What is the difference between self and yourself in Smalltalk?


In Smalltalk, there are two terms often found within a method body: self and yourself.

What is the difference between them?

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Euan M Avatar asked Nov 22 '15 00:11

Euan M

People also ask

What is self in Smalltalk?

Self began as a dialect of Smalltalk, being dynamically typed and using just-in-time compilation (JIT) as well as the prototype-based approach to objects: it was first used as an experimental test system for language design in the 1980s and 1990s.

Is Smalltalk still used?

Smalltalk is still very relevant. It's an excellent instructional language for teaching programming to people who have no technical background. It's a superlative prototyping language for startups. It's an industrial-strength enterprise language used by businesses both big and small all around the globe.

2 Answers

The reserved word self is a pseudo variable (you cannot assign to it) that refers to the current receiver of the method where it is used. On the other side yourself is a message you can send to any object to get that very same object.

The implementation of yourself is

yourself     ^self 

meaning that the message yourself will behave as I just explained.

The reason why yourself exists is to support message cascading, where you put it as the last message to make sure the resulting expression will answer with the receiver:

^receiver    msg1;    msg2;    yourself 

If msg2 might answer with something different from the receiver you can append the yourself message to ignore that answer and return receiver instead. Of course you could have achieved the same result by writing:

receiver    msg1;    msg2. ^receiver 

Because of the simplicity of these two examples, it might be hard to understand what the advantage would be. However, consider that receiver is not a variable but a complex expression, something like.

^(self msg: arg1 arg: arg2)    msg1;    msg2;    yourself. 

Without using yourself you would have to add a temporary to save the value of the receiver to achieve the same:

| answer | answer := self msg: arg1 arg: arg2. answer    msg1;    msg2. ^answer 

which is a little bit more verbose.

To summarize, self is a reserved word that refers to the current receiver and yourself is just a regular method that is there just for convenience.

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Leandro Caniglia Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Leandro Caniglia

self is a synonym for an object: specifically the receiver of the message that invoked the method. It is used within the body of a method.

yourself is a message that you can send to an object, that returns the receiver of the message.

anObject yourself returns anObject.

yourself is often used at the end of a message cascade within a method body.

When you want the return value from the method to be the receiver, but the final message in the cascade returns something else, you could write either:

self aMessageReturningTheReceiver;       aMessageReturningTheArgument: anArgument . ^self 


self aMessageReturningTheReceiver;       aMessageReturningTheArgument: anArgument;       yourself 
like image 27
Euan M Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Euan M