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pandas: convert index type in multiindex dataframe


Hi have a multiindex dataframe:

tuples = [('YTA_Q3', 1), ('YTA_Q3', 2), ('YTA_Q3', 3), ('YTA_Q3', 4), ('YTA_Q3', 99), ('YTA_Q3', 96)] # Index index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['Questions', 'Values']) # Columns columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('YTA_Q3', '@')], names=['Questions', 'Values']) # Data data = [29.014949,5.0260590000000001,   6.6269119999999999,   1.3565260000000001,   41.632221999999999,   21.279499999999999]  df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=columns) 

How do I convert the inner values of the df's index to str?

My attempt:


returns a TypeError

like image 344
Boosted_d16 Avatar asked Dec 22 '15 14:12


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To revert the index of the dataframe from multi-index to a single index using the Pandas inbuilt function reset_index(). Returns: (Data Frame or None) DataFrame with the new index or None if inplace=True.

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1 Answers

IIUC you need the last level of Multiindex. You could access it with levels:

df1.index.levels[-1].astype(str)  In [584]: df1.index.levels[-1].astype(str) Out[584]: Index(['1', '2', '3', '4', '96', '99'], dtype='object', name='Values') 


You could set your inner level with set_levels method of multiIndex:

idx = df1.index df1.index = df1.index.set_levels([idx.levels[:-1], idx.levels[-1].astype(str)]) 
like image 111
Anton Protopopov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Anton Protopopov