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what is the difference between React.HTMLProps<> and React.HTMLAttributes<T>?

I am trying to defined a props interface for my Component and would like it to include all common attributes.

but found out there are two different interface i can extend

interface MyProps extend React.HTMLProps<HTMLElement> and interface MyProps extend React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>

what is the difference? which one should I use? seems like HTMLProps includes HTMLAttributes, does it mean HTMLProps should be a better candidates?

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jojo Avatar asked Jan 11 '18 00:01


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1 Answers

HTMLProps contains more stuff than HTMLAttributes. Stuff like ref etc.

I've done the following in the past :

export interface PrimitiveProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> { };

And it has worked out fine for me 🌹

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basarat Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
