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simplify redux with generic action & reducer

In React-Redux project, people usually create multiple actions & reducers for each connected component. However, this creates a lot of code for simple data updates.

Is it a good practice to use a single generic action & reducer to encapsulate all data changes, in order to simplify and fasten app development.

What would be the disadvantages or performance loss using this method. Because I see no significant tradeoff, and it makes development much easier, and we can put all of them in a single file! Example of such architecture:

// Say we're in user.js, User page

// state
var initialState = {};

// generic action --> we only need to write ONE DISPATCHER
function setState(obj){
    Store.dispatch({ type: 'SET_USER', data: obj });

// generic reducer --> we only need to write ONE ACTION REDUCER
function userReducer = function(state = initialState, action){
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'SET_USER': return { ...state, ...action.data };
        default: return state;

// define component
var User = React.createClass({
    render: function(){
        // Here's the magic...
        // We can just call the generic setState() to update any data.
        // No need to create separate dispatchers and reducers, 
        // thus greatly simplifying and fasten app development.
        return [
            <div onClick={() => setState({ someField: 1 })}/>,
            <div onClick={() => setState({ someOtherField: 2, randomField: 3 })}/>,
            <div onClick={() => setState({ orJustAnything: [1,2,3] })}/>

// register component for data update
function mapStateToProps(state){
    return { ...state.user };

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(User);


So the typical Redux architecture suggests creating:

  1. Centralized files with all the actions
  2. Centralized files with all the reducers

Question is, why a 2-step process? Here's another architectural suggestion:

Create 1 set of files containing all the setXField() that handle all the data changes. And other components simply use them to trigger changes. Easy. Example:

/** UserAPI.js
  * Containing all methods for User.
  * Other components can just call them.

// state
var initialState = {};

// generic action
function setState(obj){
    Store.dispatch({ type: 'SET_USER', data: obj });

// generic reducer 
function userReducer = function(state = initialState, action){
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'SET_USER': return { ...state, ...action.data };
        default: return state;

// API that we export
let UserAPI = {};

// set user name
UserAPI.setName = function(name){
    $.post('/user/name', { name }, function({ ajaxSuccess }){
        if (ajaxSuccess) setState({ name });

// set user picture URL
UserAPI.setPicture = function(url){
    $.post('/user/picture', { url }, function({ ajaxSuccess }){
        if (ajaxSuccess) setState({ url });

// logout, clear user
UserAPI.logout = function(){
    $.post('/logout', {}, function(){

// Etc, you got the idea...
// Moreover, you can add a bunch of other User related methods, 
// like some helper methods unrelated to Redux, or Ajax getters. 
// Now you have everything related to User available in a single file! 
// It becomes much easier to read through and understand.

// Finally, you can export a single UserAPI object, so other 
// components only need to import it once. 
export default UserAPI

Please read through the comments in the code section above.

Now instead of having a bunch of actions/dispatchers/reducers. You have 1 file encapsulating everything needed for the User concept. Why is it a bad practice? IMO, it makes programmer's life much easier, and other programmers can just read through the file from top to bottom to understand the business logic, they don't need to switch back and forth between action/reducer files. Heck, even redux-thunk isn't needed! And you can even test the functions one by one as well. So testability is not lost.

like image 891
Maria Avatar asked May 27 '18 10:05


People also ask

Can multiple reducers handle same action?

Multiple slice reducers can respond to the same action, independently update their own slice as needed, and the updated slices are combined into the new state object.

What is the difference between actions and reducers Redux?

Reducer - is what manipulates that data when it recieves an action. Action - is what tells reducer to manipulate the store data, it carries the name and (not required) some data.

How are actions connected to reducer?

When you dispatch an action creator it passes the action object to the root reducer. The action object is passed through the entire state tree and any reducers that process the action type consume it.

Can Redux have multiple reducers?

Having multiple reducers become an issue later when we create the store for our redux. To manage the multiple reducers we have function called combineReducers in the redux. This basically helps to combine multiple reducers into a single unit and use them.

2 Answers

Firstly, instead of calling store.dispatch in your action creator, it should return an object (action) instead, which simplifies testing and enables server rendering.

const setState = (obj) => ({
  type: 'SET_USER', 
  data: obj

onClick={() => this.props.setState(...)}

// bind the action creator to the dispatcher
connect(mapStateToProps, { setState })(User)

You should also use ES6 class instead of React.createClass.

Back to the topic, a more specialised action creator would be something like:

const setSomeField = value => ({
  type: 'SET_SOME_FIELD',
  return { ...state, someField: action.value };

Advantages of this approach over your generic one

1. Higher reusability

If someField is set in multiple places, it's cleaner to call setSomeField(someValue) than setState({ someField: someValue })}.

2. Higher testability

You can easily test setSomeField to make sure it's correctly altering only the related state.

With the generic setState, you could test for setState({ someField: someValue })} too, but there's no direct guarantee that all your code will call it correctly.
Eg. someone in your team might make a typo and call setState({ someFeild: someValue })} instead.


The disadvantages are not exactly significant, so it's perfectly fine to use the generic action creator to reduce the number of specialised action creators if you believe it's worth the trade-off for your project.


Regarding your suggestion to put reducers and actions in the same file: generally it's preferred to keep them in separate files for modularity; this is a general principle that is not unique to React.

You can however put related reducer and action files in the same folder, which might be better/worse depending on your project requirements. See this and this for some background.

You would also need to export userReducer for your root reducer, unless you are using multiple stores which is generally not recommended.

like image 165
Roy Wang Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10

Roy Wang

I mostly use redux to cache API responses mostly, here are few cases where i thought it is limited.

1) What if i'm calling different API's which has the same KEY but goes to a different Object?

2) How can I take care if the data is a stream from a socket ? Do i need to iterate the object to get the type(as the type will be in the header and response in the payload) or ask my backend resource to send it with a certain schema.

3) This also fails for api's if we are using some third party vendor where we have no control of the output we get.

It's always good to have control on what data going where.In apps which are very big something like a network monitoring application we might end up overwriting the data if we have same KEY and JavaScript being loosed typed may end this to a lot weird way this only works for few cases where we have complete control on the data which is very few some thing like this application.

like image 36
karthik Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10
