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What is the difference between precision and scale?




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What is precision and scale in Oracle database?

Oracle guarantees the portability of numbers with precision of up to 20 base-100 digits, which is equivalent to 39 or 40 decimal digits depending on the position of the decimal point. s is the scale, or the number of digits from the decimal point to the least significant digit. The scale can range from -84 to 127.

What is the difference between precision and length?

Precision is used for decimal. And length is the character length.

What is precision and scale in Plsql?

The precision is the number of digits in a number. It ranges from 1 to 38. The scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.

What is column precision?

The precision is the maximum number of digits or characters that are displayed for the data in that column. For nonnumeric data, the precision typically refers to the defined length of the column. The scale refers to the maximum number of digits that are displayed to the right of the decimal point.

Precision 4, scale 2: 99.99

Precision 10, scale 0: 9999999999

Precision 8, scale 3: 99999.999

Precision 5, scale -3: 99999000

Precision is the number of significant digits. Oracle guarantees the portability of numbers with precision ranging from 1 to 38.

Scale is the number of digits to the right (positive) or left (negative) of the decimal point. The scale can range from -84 to 127.

In your case, ID with precision 6 means it won't accept a number with 7 or more significant digits.



That page also has some examples that will make you understand precision and scale.

Precision is the total number of digits, can be between 1 and 38.
Scale is the number of digits after the decimal point, may also be set as negative for rounding.

NUMBER(7,5): 12.12345
NUMBER(5,0): 12345

More details on the ORACLE website:

Maybe more clear:

Note that precision is the total number of digits, scale included


Precision 8, scale 3 : 87654.321

Precision 5, scale 3 : 54.321

Precision 5, scale 1 : 5432.1

Precision 5, scale 0 : 54321

Precision 5, scale -1: 54320

Precision 5, scale -3: 54000

Scale is the number of digit after the decimal point (or colon depending your locale)

Precision is the total number of significant digits

scale VS precision