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How do I escape a reserved word in Oracle?

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How do I escape a keyword in Oracle?

The ESCAPE clause identifies the backslash (\) as the escape character. In the pattern, the escape character precedes the underscore (_). This causes Oracle to interpret the underscore literally, rather than as a special pattern matching character.

How do I escape special characters in Oracle?

Use braces to escape a string of characters or symbols. Everything within a set of braces in considered part of the escape sequence. When you use braces to escape a single character, the escaped character becomes a separate token in the query. Use the backslash character to escape a single character or symbol.

What is CHR 10 in Oracle?

CHR(10) -- Line feed. CHR(13) -- Carriage return. You can use them in insert like this, INSERT INTO table_name (columne_name) VALUES ('ABC' || CHR (9) || 'DEF' || CHR (10) || 'GHI' || CHR (13) || 'JKL') Here is the complete list of ascii values.

What is a reserved word in Oracle?

Oracle reserved words have a special meaning to Oracle and so cannot be redefined. For this reason, you cannot use them to name database objects such as columns, tables, or indexes. Keywords also have a special meaning to Oracle but are not reserved words and so can be redefined.

From a quick search, Oracle appears to use double quotes (", eg "table") and apparently requires the correct case—whereas, for anyone interested, MySQL defaults to using backticks (`) except when set to use double quotes for compatibility.

Oracle normally requires double-quotes to delimit the name of identifiers in SQL statements, e.g.

SELECT "MyColumn" AS "MyColAlias"
FROM "MyTable" "Alias"
WHERE "ThisCol" = 'That Value';

However, it graciously allows omitting the double-quotes, in which case it quietly converts the identifier to uppercase:

SELECT MyColumn AS MyColAlias
FROM MyTable Alias
WHERE ThisCol = 'That Value';

gets internally converted to something like:

WHERE "ALIAS" . "THISCOL" = 'That Value';

double quotes worked in oracle when I had the keyword as one of the column name.


select t."size" from table t 

Oracle does use double-quotes, but you most likely need to place the object name in upper case, e.g. "TABLE". By default, if you create an object without double quotes, e.g.


Oracle would create the object as upper case. However, the referencing is not case sensitive unless you use double-quotes!